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          Ever since that night, there has been absolutely no sign of Chris. I've been going crazy. So to take my mind off of all this crazy stuff, I decided to finally accept Alina and Lucas' invitation to dinner. There was no doubt that I was worried about Chris, but I needed some time to think of something. I don't know what, but something.

Jesse was letting me use his car tonight, by myself. My mom didn't like me driving her car, she had too much anxiety. Although I was excited, I still wish bae could be driving around with me.

I kissed Jesse and my mom goodbye and made my way to the car. I looked at Chris' house before getting in, the lighting peeked through the cracks of the shades. I sighed, and proceeded to speed off.

I had to be pushing atleast 70 when I came to a sudden stop sign. It wasn't until then when I realized the breaks weren't working. I didn't know what to do, I was panicking at this point.

The last thing I remember was seeing a car coming from the other street when it t-boned me, then everything faded to black.


          I'd been staring at the wall practically all day. My mom had me on lockdown. She still didn't know that I knew about Luis, and I wanted to keep it like that- for now.

She knew Jade was in the house that day because the living room camera was on. After Jade kissed me, my mom broke a plate over my head.

I was so scared. I didn't want her to take Jade from me like she took Lisa. That's why I'd been avoiding Jade this past week.

My mom was at work, and I was sitting home alone like always. I missed Jade, so I went to my window to see if she was laying down in her usual spot on the sand.

Instead, I saw her stepdad and mom coming towards my backdoor. With knitted eyebrows, I went to open it.

"Hey, how are you guys doing?" I said. The expressions on their faces insisted that there was something wrong. Kathy's eyes were red, she had been crying.

"Chris, Jade is in the hospital. She got into a really bad accident." Jesse said.

"What?" My heart was racing.

"Do you wanna come with us?" He asked. I nodded without hesitation. My mom could go fuck herself, fuck her and the bumass cameras. I shut my backdoor and followed them to the car.

We arrived at Northside hospital in a matter of 10 minutes. It was only right to let Jesse and Kathy see Jade before me, so I sat down in one of the chairs in the waiting room. I noticed the secretary and a few of the nurses looking and whispering about me. Figures. I forgot this town was small, and I was still getting labeled as the murderer of Lisa Daniels.

Kathy and Jesse's facial expressions were blank as they came out of the hospital room, almost as if they'd just seen a ghost.

"You can go see here now, Chris." Jesse said. I nodded, and procceded into the hospital room.

Jade was sitting up struggling to keep her eyes open. She was connected to a whole bunch of IV's, and her face and neck were bruised really badly.

"Hey baby girl, are you alright?" I said, sitting down in the chair next to her hospital bed.

"Where have you been? Are you okay?" She questioned.

"Woah, woah. Calm down, don't stress yourself out."

She sighed.

"So what the hell happened? And who's fault was it?" I asked.

"Chris the breaks weren't working. I don't understand why because Jesse just got his breaks checked."

My face sunk almost immediately.  At this point I knew Jade was in danger.

"My mom." I whispered, but not loud enough for her to hear.


"My mom did it. My mom tampered with the breaks."

"What? How?"

"Jade we can't talk anymore." I said.

"Wait, Chris no please!"

I didn't even look back at her. I exited the room and went back into the waiting room where Jesse and Kathy were sitting, they rose when they saw me.

"You ready to go?" Jesse asked, I nodded.

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