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           "Yo you alright? We haven't heard from you in like a week." Alina said strolling up my porch steps with Lucas. They both took a seat next to me on my porch swing.

"Yeah I'm straight. I just had to distance myself a little bit after that kickback."

"What do you mean?" Lucas asked, his eyebrows knitting together.

"Your little friend Cam? Yeah well he tried to push up on me when I was trying to go home that night. You guys and everyone else were damn near slumped over."

"Are you serious? You want me to go fuck him up for you?" Lucas asked, about to get up off the swing.

"No, no! It's fine, really. He was drunk, I was drunk. It's alright I understand." I chuckled.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded.

"Okay well then if I can't whoop his ass I'm gonna make him apologize. How about that?"

"No, it's okay. No violence, no nothing."

"I'll keep it in mind." Alina added in. I shot her a stern look and she broke out into laughter.

"I'm deadass. And plus the situation is not even that serious. I know how people get when they're drunk, it's cool." I reassured.

"So you don't want us to say anything at all?"

"No.. Not really."

"Whatever you say."

It was silent for a few moments before Christopher waltzed down his front porch steps to take out the trash. All of our attention immediately reverted to him.

"What's up Crazy Chris?!" Alina called over to him. Both her and Lucas fell out into a fit of laughter. Christopher kept his head down as he went back inside. I felt so bad, but I decided not to say anything.

"Hey I'm gonna see you guys later, I have things to do." I said. They both nodded and got up off the porch swing.

I didn't really have things to do. Seeing them laugh at Chris just made feel a little uneasy.

I waltzed back into the house to see mom and Jesse on the couch, as always.

"Your father called." Mom said. I got a little excited. I haven't talked to my father in a month or so, the phone calls just suddenly stopped.

"What did he say?"

"He said he misses you."

"That's it?" My smile was gone at this point, and all my hopes had flew right out of the window. I was expecting something like tell her to call me back, or I'm coming to see her. But no. Just a simple, I miss you

"Jade, baby. It's okay." Jesse said rising up the from the couch. He pulled me into a hug and I just let the tough façade go. Hot tears were streaming down my face at this point.

"Why doesn't he love me?" I cried. "Why?"

"Of course he loves you." Mom said joining in on the hug. "He just has a funny way of showing it."

Both of them pulled away and looked at me. Jesse pushed my hair out of my face and cupped my chin, tilting it up.

"You are a beautiful and very smart girl Jade. Anyone would be lucky to have you as their daughter. And I know I can never replace your biological father, but I just want to let you know you are just as much as my daughter as you are his."

A small little smile crept up on my face. I hugged Jesse again and he placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

"I love you, thank you for everything." I said.

"I love you too kiddo, stop crying." He shoved my shoulder, causing me to chuckle.

A little later on in the afternoon I began to get in my feelings again. I miss you, that's all he said. No I love you, or anything. Feeling torn, I grabbed my usual towel and laid it out on the sandy beach. It was the perfect place when you wanted to clear your head. I ran my fingers over the butterfly stickers that were plastered all over the front of my pink and blue colored journal.

I'm not the only child my father has, in fact he has another girl and a boy, whom he takes care of and is active in their lives from what I hear. Thinking about that just broke me down again. I stared out into the ocean and let my tears drip down my cheeks.

My arms were wrapped around my legs which were propped up to my chest. I just couldn't stop crying.

I felt a sudden presence next to me. It was Christopher. He laid his towel next to mine and sat down.

"Hey." He said, staring out in the ocean as well. I looked at him, I probably looked crazy too with my running mascara, but I didn't care. Eventually he looked at me too, and our eyes met.

"What?" I said. I was getting tired of his ass. He only came around when he saw that I was in distress. I wanted to talk to him, everyday. Not just when he felt like it.

"Why you cryin'?" He questioned. "And don't say why do you care."

I chuckled a little because that's exactly what I was about to say. I stared back out at the ocean and wiped my tears. "My father. He's a real piece of work." I chucked bitterly.
"The one inside?"

"No, that's not my dad."


"My real dad doesn't love me. I don't care what anyone says."

"Me and you both." He said lowly. I looked at him, he was looking down at his hands.

"What about you?"

He shrugged. "I don't know my father. I don't even know what he looks like."

"I'm s-"

"I don't need your pity." He cut me off, already having an idea of what I was going to say.

I scoffed. "You know you have had a stick up your ass since I've gotten here." But that still didn't take away from the fact that I still wanted to talk to him.

He laughed, turning his head to look at me. "Never heard that one before."

I didn't say anything else. We sat in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes. It was interrupted when mom came outside with a plate of cookies in her hand.

"Oh.." She said, a smirk crept on her face and she raised an eyebrow. "Care to introduce me?"

I sighed, a little embarassed. "Mom, this is Christopher, Christopher that's my mom."

He looked at my mom with a smile and a little wave. "You can call me Chris."

"Nice to meet you Chris."


"Well, I made some cookies Jade. I'm just gonna um, leave this right here. Okay bye now!" She quickly placed the cookies on the patio table and scurried back inside.

I already knew what she was thinking..

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