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          I looked out of the window as I watched my mom speed off into the cool night air. It was 10:32 pm on a Friday night and she had work. It was the perfect opportunity for me to go into the safe and get that letter. Even though I didn't really need Jade, I wanted her here anyway.

I tampered with the cameras that were set up. I didn't know what I was doing, but I managed to somehow turn them off. Or so I thought.

I peeked my head out of my window and waved for Jade to come inside, she had been sitting on the sand reading another magazine. I don't know what was so fascinating about them, I'd have to ask her one of these days.

She quietly walked in through my back door and followed me into my mom's room. I followed the same procedure as last time, except this time my heart was pumping 50x as fast.

I carefully removed the letter from the safe and held it in my hand. I placed only two of the three photos back in and locked it.

I led Jade into my room and instructed her to shut the door and lock it. I was so nervous to open this letter, but I did. And it read :

Dear Janice,                            1/12/99

I know you're probably wondering where I am right now... I just wanted to let you know that I'm safe and doing well. Unfortunately for you, I will not be returning. I just can't. I'm disgusted with myself, I can't even bring myself to call you my mom anymore. I pray for forgiveness every night, and I hope you're doing the same... I heard you had the baby, and I also heard he was normal- no deformities or anything, which is really surprising. Do him and I share any of the same features? Even though I'll never meet him, I'd still like to know.... Before I end this letter, I just want one thing of you. Please do not bring me up or talk about me to him, he cannot know, nor can anyone else. Thank you, I wish you a great life.

Signed, Luis Brown.

At this point, my jaw was to the floor. I folded the letter back up and placed it on my bed, picking up the photo of Luis. Now that I'm really observing, he looked just liked me.

I really couldn't process anything. My brain was in complete and utter shock.

My father is also my, brother? What kind of sick shit is this? My mother was having sex with my brother?

It was all starting to make sense now. That's why she never bought him up, or wanted to talk about him. 

Jade sat at my desk chair observing all of my facial expressions. She didn't say anything at all, she just sat there. It wasn't until I broke the silence.

"Jade." I said.

She poked her head up a little. "Yeah?"

I held up the picture of Luis Brown. "This is my father, and my brother."

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