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          It was a hot summer Friday night, Alina and Lucas invited me out but I declined. I don't know, I just didn't feel like hanging with them. And I still have yet to receive an apology from Cam.

I was sprawled out in my bed reading another one of my magazines. It had to be past 11, well atleast that's what it felt like. I heard little clinks against my window, my eyebrows naturally knitted together as I got up to see what it was.

It was Christopher. He had a handful of little pebbles in his hand. He smiled at me as I leaned over and out of my window.

"Can you come outside?" He asked.

I quickly grabbed my phone off my bed to check the time, it was almost 12:30 AM. There was no way in hell my parents weren't going to let me leave, but good thing they were sleeping.

I gave Chris a quick head nod and quietly scurried out of my bedroom. I stopped at my parent's door and put my ear to it just to make sure. Both of them were snoring slightly. I slipped on my pink fluffy slippers that were lined up at the bottom of the stairs, then I left quietly through the front door.

Chris was standing in the middle of the street looking up at the sky, his hands in his pockets. His eyes met mine once he saw me. He looked down at my feet and started chuckling.

"Nice slippers." He said.

"Thank you. They're really comfortable."

He blushed, looking down at his feet. Finally! He's actually talking to me.

"So, why'd you call me out here?" I asked, trying to sound as rude as possible, and not like I was totally excited that this beautiful piece of a dude was standing 20 feet away from.

"Oh don't act like you wasn't waiting for this moment."

I chuckled.

"I can't talk to you?" He said.

"Well you are right now aren't you?"

"Why are you standing all the way on the porch? You can come over here, I'm not gonna bite you."

I hopped off the porch, being sure that my slippers stayed on my feet. I stood directly in front of Chris, he had to be about 6 foot, maybe 6 foot 1. I looked up at his tall figure that hovered over me.

He looked away from me almost instantly, and continued to look up at the sky.

"Why do you always do that?" I asked.
"Do what?"

"You look away when I'm talking to you."

He shrugged. "I don't know."

"What do you know?"

"I know that you like me."

I scoffed. "How you figure?"

"I mean, I can't really explain it. I just see it."

I didn't deny it. Because truth be told, I did like him. We've only talked to eachother around four times, but I still managed to gather up something for him.

"Whatever." I mumbled. I looked down at my slippers.

"Why you saying whatever? It's not like I don't like you too."

I looked up at him and smiled a little. He was an asshole, that I would not deny. But he was nice too. He was a nice asshole. "Well, why are we standing in the middle of the street? You know, this is a really romantic way of saying you like someone."

He kissed his teeth and chuckled once he noticed the tinge of sarcasm in my voice. He locked his arm in mine and we made our way towards the beach. We walked just before the shoreline.

"Why do you hang out with them?" He said sudddenly. He didn't look at me, he kept his head down and looked at his feet as we walked. I had already knew who he was talking about.

"What do you mean?"

"You're not like them, Jade."

"I know..."

There were a few moments of silence, Chris stopped completely to turn and look at the full moon. I took a glance at it too, it was a really beautiful night.

He looked down at me, and I looked up at him. Our eyes locked for a few moments before our lips came crashing into one another.

We pulled back and were now making full eye contact.

"I'm sorry." He said. "I-I don't kn- fuck."

"No, it's okay. I liked it."

"No, no it's not okay. I gotta go Jade."

My eyebrows knitted together.

He shook his head and turned on his heel. He scurried across the sand back to his porch, I saw a figure in the window looking in my direction.

I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest.

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