Later that day the boy was in his 5th period class he had just walked in and sat down in his seat not paying attention to the happy people around him it made him angry why couldn't he just be happy and care free like the rest of them. The teacher had started talking by this point the boy was trying to listen but this lesson was extremely boring it was about team work and support systems the boy saw what was going to happen next from a mile away but still didn't want it to it was group work. He was annoyed by this announcement the boy had to put his happy personality on the group was chosen by the teacher he didn't know his group very well and since they all were all freshmen nobody wanted to talk so being part of this persona the boy seems happy and explosive introduces him self in a loud and confident manner. Though he tried to get the group to loosen up so they could get work done nobody moved so he decided to reach out and take somebody out of there comfort zone he glanced at the group and saw a red headed girl and thought to himself she could be what i need to start this group so he looks at her and asked her name she responds with payton. The boy sees he is making progress he only needed one more person so he decides to act like the rest of the four person group isn't there and starts talking to payton about how they will get the project started the boy quickly finds out she is a huge walking dead fan so they decided to build the support system with examples from the walking dead and why it is important to have someone who has your back. The boy and payton started talking with the walking dead often being what starts the conversation and then turning into some other subject then one time she asked if the boy was gouing to be in the play and he said he didn't know she told him he should because she is going to be in it to he said ya he will and then asked her to lunch.
The boy and the girl
RomanceSo this story will be slowing down the chapters will be published slower and more random if you haven't figured it out yet im the boy and the girl and I broke up recently because of outside interference and iv felt very sad and depressed and writing...