After that they went to bed it wasn't a school night but the boy felt tired so he needed to go to sleep he said goodnight to her and went to sleep. The next day he was definitely not excited for all of his family to come over for his aunts birthday party. It had to be at his house because it was the only one big enough and clean enough for people to come over. But something that he was kind of excited for making a stepping stone most of the people in his family was then they would put something that describes them and there name. He decided on a monster can cap since he drank monsters all the time. Once his cousin tyler got there they just hung out in his room and played video games during all of this he was txting the girl she seemed kind of quiet not talking to much then later in the night he asked her if something was wrong he asked her if something was wrong she said no but he knew something was getting to her. He was persistent and she eventually told him what was wrong a friend of hers confessed that she had always loved her and was upset because she was dating the boy. The girl explained that her friends were leaving her to support her friend. She explained how hard it was for her and that was why she was sad the boy was thinking about how he could fix this he could only find one solution but he didn't want that to happen but her Happiness was more important than his. He asked her if they broke up if that would bring back her friends she said he didn't have to do this but he wanted her to be happy and told her it's ok after all they could always try again next year when her friends were better. She said ya and he acted like it was fine and that he was ok with it but it killed him inside to say that after all she could easily fall in love with this other girl he wasn't exactly a tough act to fallow in his opinion he didn't see any good qualities in himself so he knew once he let her go she would relize the mistake she made being with him. He said he was going to miss her and she said the same to him. Then they stopped texting.

The boy and the girl
Roman d'amourSo this story will be slowing down the chapters will be published slower and more random if you haven't figured it out yet im the boy and the girl and I broke up recently because of outside interference and iv felt very sad and depressed and writing...