The boy was distraught of course the girl didn't know that he was he wanted to make it as easy as possible for her many people wonder why he tried to make it easy for her and not for himself well things don't work out for him ever since he was born with alcoholic and abusive parents and grew up with no support from family or friends. So he tryed to make things work for other people and he did it most of the time and he was always envious that the few people he cared about came out on top. This was no different she left someone who cared about her to be with someone who cared about her so it worked out for her but he was once again left alone. He didn't blame her she was amazing in every way so it's not unreasonable for someone else to like her. She was often hard on herself that she was fat or ugly but no she was beautiful she often said that guy's wernt attracted to her but no any guy would want to be with her in a heartbeat. The boy was angry and sad and felt many emotions he just couldn't control he retreated to his room to not make a scene he needed to do something to release what he felt he decided to hop out of his window and do the only thing he could think of. He went and punched rocks. He punched those rocks until he bled from his knuckles he knew what he was doing was stupid but it didn't matter he wasn't hurting anyone by doing this to himself so he continued until he didn't feel his hands then he walked back to house and tried to keep to himself he didn't want to talk to anyone even more the usual he just wanted to lay on his floor and disappear. But alas things can't be that easy his mom knocked on his door saying it was time to sign his stepping stone he acted like everything was ok but it really wasn't. As soon as he left his room he was hit by the strong sent of alcohol some how someone had managed to spill alcohol on his door so he guessed most of them were already drunk. Some how they had managed to mix cement without spilling it the boy didn't want anything to do with this but he had to. Once it was his turn he wrote his name with the pencil and put in his monster cap and left he didn't even realize he had spelt his name wrong.

The boy and the girl
RomanceSo this story will be slowing down the chapters will be published slower and more random if you haven't figured it out yet im the boy and the girl and I broke up recently because of outside interference and iv felt very sad and depressed and writing...