So the first rehearsal went well we didn't really do anything but talk about different things i chould do with the lights pretty basic stuff mostly sliders to turn them up and down and tim was familiar with the system already he had to do sound he had the harder job so the boy was happy he didn't have that job. Most rehearsals went like that hangout in the hallway with payton and the girl then climb the later to get in the both to push buttons. But something happened completely unexpected he was waiting for pe to start and noticed payton wasent there he wondered where she was so he decided to txt her so he did and then his spirits dropped she told him she had moved she never told him this news hit him like a truck and just as unexpected. He went threw the rest of the day in complete rage he couldn't bleave he let this happen again even if he likes someone just a little bit something happens to mess it up he finds it really hard to like somebody he hates almost everybody so liking someone is rare he has liked three people in his life at this point the first had fell for a guy that used her and the second had moved right after he told her he liked her and now payton. His luck didn't improve after this his grades dropped and multiple technical problems popped up for drama just adding to his load he had to deal with all of this at once. And just like that the play nights were only a week away he was kind of nervous about messing up but he shook it off without much thought on the first day that is but as it got closer to fryday the weight got heaver and heaver until it was opening night and this night whould bring im down the twisting path of love and heartbreak with the most important person in his life.

The boy and the girl
RomanceSo this story will be slowing down the chapters will be published slower and more random if you haven't figured it out yet im the boy and the girl and I broke up recently because of outside interference and iv felt very sad and depressed and writing...