They were txting for awhile and the boy said she was beautiful and she was she said "no im not". But the boy was persistent and kept on saying it until he said "well if you weren't why whould i have been so scared you would say no". She sent a ❤️ this made the boy feel like she really did care so he sent back two then she sent three and this probably went on for 15 minutes with them sending walls of hearts to each other but stopped when the boy wanted to carry on the conversation .he asked if they could talk on the phone he wanted to hear her voice. By this time company came over a bunch of his family had come over so he just sat in the back yard so he could talk to her. His dad got in a drunken rage that he wasn't in the house the boy ignored him until he said " oh are you talking to a girl" in a sarcastic and angry tone the boy responded with yes. His dad laughed and said "is she your girlfriend " but before the boy could anwser his dad quickly answered his own question with " ya right like someone whould date a loser like you playing video games all day you aren't a real man". The boy and his dad had a stressed relationship with them getting in actual fist fights the boy wanted to knock him on his ass but didn't and just ignored him. The boy and girl talked well into the night until 12 at night the boy still wasent tired but the boy noticed something about the girls voice she was about to fall asleep he called her out and asked if she was tired she said no whal yawning the boy stopped talking for a couple of seconds then said " if i stop talking you are going to fall asleep." Then the girl responded with "then don't stop talking" this might not seem like much to some people but he has three memories that he considered to be happiest memories this being the first one. The boy was grinning like a fool and was speechless he said "thank you" she responded with "for what" then he said " for saying yes" she giggled and said she was heading for bed they said goodnight and the boy decided he would go to bed to as he was extremely tired but excited because he would be able to see her in person tomorrow at school.

The boy and the girl
Storie d'amoreSo this story will be slowing down the chapters will be published slower and more random if you haven't figured it out yet im the boy and the girl and I broke up recently because of outside interference and iv felt very sad and depressed and writing...