The cast sheet was on the office window the boy scanned the sheet for his name he was sure he was unopposed and sure he got the part but things like this often went out of his favor he found his name. Relieved he looked for paytons to see if she did to and she did he chouldent wate to tell her he walked out of the main building just as she was walking in she asked if the cast sheet was up yet he said yes and that she had made the cut. She didn't seem surprised such self confidence he envied her to have that feeling that you chould do anything he did not always second guessing himself always wondering if he did the right thing. She then went off with some of her friends leaving the boy alone agin he did what he normally did when griped by the tight cold hand of loneliness earbuds in volume up. Disturbed to add to fuel to his pit of anger to prove everyone who doubted him wrong and to strive to lose his ugly unattractive body. Five finger death punch to remind him that true greatness is earned not given and nickel back to remind him of heart break his music was just as important to him as eating or breathing he chouldent live without it. This consumed most of his day keeping his deamons behind a wall of music but at lunch he usually took payton to lunch mindless talk of the walking dead gave him a break from it. The day had progressed like any outer he was about to get on his bus but realized that the play rehearsals were starting later luckily he remembered before he got on the bus. He walked towards the main building seeing his phone was almost dead he decided to sit in the hall because there was outlets near the floor so he can listen to music he did then payton had gone into the main building with a friend of hers.

The boy and the girl
RomanceSo this story will be slowing down the chapters will be published slower and more random if you haven't figured it out yet im the boy and the girl and I broke up recently because of outside interference and iv felt very sad and depressed and writing...