The boy and girl went down to lunch everyday day except for Thursdays she had a meeting thoes days she wouldn't tell him why she was going or where it was but in time she would tell him so he didn't worry about it. Over time he got more comfortable around her despite his heart feeling about to burst out of his chest every second around her he was able to talk easier and not be jittery he still was clumsy though but that was ok it made her laugh and he liked to hear her laugh. After about two weeks of walking down to lunch with her one the way up one of her friends caught up with them and they all walked up and talked. At the school they stopped at the library and her friend sat down the girl bent over with her hands on her knees this is when he saw what this perfect girls short coming was she had cuts on her wrists and underarms she suffered from deep depression. He asked her what those cuts were from she almost immediately answered they were from her her cat he knew they weren't they were long single cuts not in groups of three like what a cat would do. He agreed with her lie he knew he wouldn't get anywhere yet she didn't trust him enough so he pretended to not mind he wanted to take the depression away he wanted her to be happy but they seemed to have something in common they both pretended to be happy to put a happy mask on to get through the day. He was worried about her every night was she cutting now he had no way of knowing. Manny sleepless nights followed of worrying but by the time he got to school he was wearing his mask (false personality) so he seemed ok but was really hoping she was ok.

The boy and the girl
RomanceSo this story will be slowing down the chapters will be published slower and more random if you haven't figured it out yet im the boy and the girl and I broke up recently because of outside interference and iv felt very sad and depressed and writing...