The boy decided that he was just going to sit in the back and ignore everyone as if he was just in the hallway this worked at first but at some point his attention had been averted from his desk to tim and the girl they were playing slap hands. He had seen the game before but never played it before tim had caught him watching the boy looked away quickly embarrassed he had been caught. About a minute later tim walked up to him and offered to play the boy and tim had become friends with there time in the play shared in the both together so he accepted. He thought he whould be really good at it but tim was much faster and beat him almost every time the girl asked if she chould play the boy tim said yes and backed off the boy didn't want to play agenst her out of fear of losing but he didn't want to be rude. So they played they were pretty evenly matched sometimes she would win and sometimes he would but In between the matches right after one of them won he saw something her smile it was so beautiful and her laugh he could listen to it forever he soon found himself in a trans over her he just couldn't look away just looking at her gorgeous face and listening to her voice he had to force himself to look away so he didn't seem weird. He enjoyed her soft hands on his he realized wow this girl is really beautiful the director had snapped him out of his day dream when he called the cast together to commence the secret good luck song he was standing near the girl and then he herd the most beautiful singing he had ever herd and it came from the girl he backed out of the group a little bit to hide his astounment from the rest of them. He chould listen to her voice forever she was amazing he thought for a moment she must have something terrible about her like mabey she is a jerk but then why would she get him from the hallway and play slap hands with him so that can't be it he chouldent think of anything elis. In mist of him thinking the director said he should go into the booth the show was going to start he looked at the clock a hour had flashed in the blink of a eye he realized this girl literally hypnotized him with her beauty. He went to the both tim was already up there and remarked cutting it a bit close aren't we the boy smiled and just said "ya".

The boy and the girl
RomanceSo this story will be slowing down the chapters will be published slower and more random if you haven't figured it out yet im the boy and the girl and I broke up recently because of outside interference and iv felt very sad and depressed and writing...