They started just talking like they used to making jokes and talking about random things and comparing them to there childhoods. Eventually the boy said if maranda wanted to talk to her that she should take preference but the girl explained how they broke up. She explained how a ex of hers had started talking to her again and told maranda and she acused her of cheating on her and then maranda broke up with her. The boy felt for her loseing someone close to you like that in such a short amount of time hurts the boy said im sorry she's dumb for not bleaveing in you. She just said ya. The boy knew he had to quickly change the subject because he figured talking about her ex was going to make her upset so he just said im sorry that happened and said "hey how about to try to make up for it i take you down to lunch on Monday and buy you something special for lunch." She said "ok" this gave the boy hope that mabey just mabey she didn't move on but he was getting ahead of himself he didn't know anything yet. He relized that he was being way to over confident which was strange he was usually down on himself and didn't believe in himself or that anything good would happen when it was left to luck. But for some reason when he was around her he felt different he wasn't worried or anything he just seemed to kind of be there he didn't over think things or really think about what might happen or anything like that just what they were talking about right then and there. Which also would explain how he talked differently around her to instead of thinking about what he is going to say most of it just comes out anyways which leads to him saying alot of stupid stuff. She was different from anyone he'd met so far and she only became more interesting as time passed.

The boy and the girl
RomanceSo this story will be slowing down the chapters will be published slower and more random if you haven't figured it out yet im the boy and the girl and I broke up recently because of outside interference and iv felt very sad and depressed and writing...