This shocked him he hadn't realized she was this depressed to clame she was unlovable cutting was one thing but to have such hate for ones self she reminded him of himself. But he found someone he didn't hate but someone he like to hang out with and spend time with and now more then ever he wanted no needed to help her. He thought how he was going to go about trying to find out what was wrong but he couldn't think of any way of tip toeing around it he could only be blunt about it. He asked the girl what was up with her name and just like that a explosion of emotion had gone off in his phone rapid fire hating on herself. "Nobody loves me and nobody ever will" "im fat" "im ugly" "im annoying to everyone around me" "everyone hates me". Those words had hit the boy like a slap txt after txt he tried to calm her down saying things like that not true you are a nice girl and are funny but his efforts were futile she still bleaved nobody gave a shit about her but one fraze was hardest on him that nobody would ever love her and he really really liked her and she had said that phrase about three times and each time he said i can assure you that at least one person cares about you wanting to cheer her up but not wanting to give himself away that he liked her. But still she didn't believe him until he just chouldent take it anymore hearing bad about his favorite person so he just blurted out. I KNOW SOMEONE LOVES YOU BECAUSE I DO.
The boy and the girl
RomanceSo this story will be slowing down the chapters will be published slower and more random if you haven't figured it out yet im the boy and the girl and I broke up recently because of outside interference and iv felt very sad and depressed and writing...