They continued going to lunch everyday and they boy enjoyed his time with her this had gone on for about two or three more months and another play had come around. Much of the same happened exsept his partner tim was a actor so a different guy replaced him and he did lights and the boy did sound which was easy the girl had got a part agin to. The play itself wasn't very event full it was a licensed play so we couldn't change it at all. The boy was still good friends with tim they often hung out in pe the boy decided that tim was a good enough friends to ask him about if he should ask the girl out or not it had been on his mind for a while now she was amazing and he really liked her he knew he had to try at least. But he wanted to see if someone thought they would work so he asked tim. Tim said "ya" he thought they would be perfect together this made the boy overjoyed and he decided he would ask the girl out soon he wasn't sure when but it had to be perfect timing outher wise she would say no with him being as unappealing as he was. So the next couple of days he looked for the perfect opportunity and he found one they were walking back up from lunch and nobody was around she seemed to be in a good mood so he asked her "hey can i ask you a question" "ya" she said the boy knew this was his chance but he didn't say anything for like seven seconds his mom was picking him up early and he didn't want to leave her with that question so he said "what's your kik"? She told him her kik username which was her name and a couple of numbers he wrote it down in his notes he was so excited to be able to talk to her outside of school. They soon got back up to the school with the boys mom waiting in the parking lot so he said goodbye to the girl and went home. The boy didn't have time to add the girl on kik when he got home he had to get his stuff together to go to his dads house his parents were divorced sine he was five so this was a tradition by this point. When the boy got there his dad was already drunk as he always was his mom knew he was to but didn't care the weekend was her break from him and his sister his mother was a drunk to but not as bad as his dad so the boy just ignored him most of the time by going in his room and playing video games every day. Once in his room he went on kik to add the girl and the thing about kik is you have two names your kik username and your name the name is what you see when you are txting someone and she gave him her username her name was unlovable
The boy and the girl
RomanceSo this story will be slowing down the chapters will be published slower and more random if you haven't figured it out yet im the boy and the girl and I broke up recently because of outside interference and iv felt very sad and depressed and writing...