Chapter 9.

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"Ash, you're the best!" I throw myself into his arms.

Its been 3 weeks since I've gotten to Australia so I decided its about time I start looking for a job. I wasn't too worried about money since I had quite a bit saved up, I just knew I would be getting pretty bored here soon if I stayed in the house much longer.

Ashton's family owns the small coffee shop down the street so he managed to get me a part-time job as a Batista there.

"It's no problem, mom's been looking for some help anyways." He says releasing me.

"When do I start?" I ask enthusiastically. The past few days I sat around and pretty much twiddled my thumbs while gabby was at school. I definitely needed this.

"Tomorrow just go in around 1." He smiles.

"Well I've gotta go, band practice in twenty." He tells me moving to the door.

"Oh, actually, do you mind if I tag along? I have to take Calum his shirt back." I ask picking up the black fabric from the table and slipping it into a plastic bag.

I didn't realize how that sounded until I seen Ashton's eyes go wide.

"Oh not like that, I was watching Roland and spilled pizza sauce on my shirt so he let me wear one of his..." I say quickly, knowing exactly what he was thinking.

"Yeah, sure." He laughs and I hit his arm.

"I'm serious, there's nothing going on between us, in fact I'm pretty sure the dude fucking hates me." I joke.

"Cal hates everyone so..." Ashton chuckles.


We head out and over to his house, making it right on time for rehearsal.

"Kamryn!" Mali smiles and pulls me into a hug. "How've you been?" She asks as she let's us into the house. "Guys are in the basement by the way." She tells Ashton who promptly makes his way downstairs.

"I'm good, Ash just got me a job so I'm pretty excited about that." I smile happily.

"That's great, I'm glad you're still enjoying Sydney."

"Yeah, so how are you guys?" I ask her as we sit down at the kitchen table.

"We're good. Thanks for stopping out, I was hoping Roland wasn't so bad he scared you off." She laughs.

"Not at all, he was great. If you ever need a babysitter again, just give me a call... But, I actually came over to bring this back." I put the bag on the table.

"What is it?" She gives me a confused glance.

"Calum's shirt..."

"Oh..." Her mouth turns into a smirk.

"It's not what you think, I stained my shirt making pizzas with Roland so Calum let me borrow his." I roll my eyes.

Why did everyone act like suddenly Calum and I were getting married or something. We weren't even friends. I mean the guy barely even likes me, and half the time I don't even think that's true.

"I see...well I'm glad he's at least being a little nicer....hey, would you like to do something?" She asks sipping her tea.

"Yeah, what are you thinking?" I was happy that she had suggesting hangout because quite frankly, I really didn't feel like spending another day alone cooped up I'm my room.

I didn't mind being alone. I've always been a pretty independent person. That's just who I am. Maybe that's why I've always found it hard to make friends, the solitude doesn't bother me. Lately though, I found that being alone, and loneliness are two completely different things.

"Bowling? Or the zoo?" She proposes.

"Hmmm. Both sound fun, maybe we should let Roland pick!" I smile.

"Okay, Ro come here sweetie, mommy needs to speak with you for a second." She calls out for the little boy.

"Kammy!" He runs up and hugs me when he sees me sitting at the table. "Are we making pizza again?" He asks me excitedly.

"Not today buddy, maybe I'll come over soon and we'll have a pizza and movie day, okay?" I laugh.

"Yay!" He says, happy with my compromise.

"So Roland, mommy and kam are gonna take you out today, would you rather go bowling or to the zoo?" Mali ruffles his soft brown curls.

"BOWLING!" He jumps up and down.

"Alright, go put your shoes on and i'll let uncle Cal know we'll be back." She tells him getting up to go downstairs.

I was in the middle of helping Roland tie his shoes when Mali comes back, with all four boys behind her.

"The guys wanna tag along so I told them they had to ask you." She nudges Michael playfully.

"Can we go with you guys? We love bowling!" He literally sounds like a five year old.

"Yeah, can they, pwease?" Roland looks up at me with his lip out and there was absolutely no way I could ever say no to that face.

"Of course!" I grin.

The boys all cheer, except Calum who just stands there awkwardly with his hands in his pockets.

Gabby was able to meet up with us after her last class, so she was already at the bowling ally waiting for us when we got there.

We decide to split up in groups of two to make it easier, so everyone quickly finds their partner.

Gabby and Luke, Ashton and Michael, and Mali by default has to be with Roland.

There's only one person left...


Judging by the annoyed look plastered on his face, he isn't too happy about being stuck with me either.

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