Chapter 22.

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"Mali and Roland are going to visit her friend in Melbourne so I was wondering if you wanted to come stay with me this weekend?" Calum nervously bites his lip. It was cute when he got all flustered and shy.

"Like a sleepover?" I ask, wanting to see him squirm a little more before I told him yes.

"Yeah, I don't like staying in the house alone..." He rests his head on my lap as he plops down on the couch.

"Okay." I smile.

"Okay?" He looks up at me surprised.

"Yeah, okay." I laugh as I repeat myself. "Plus we haven't really spent that much time alone since we've been together. It'll be kinda nice to have you all to myself." I lean down and kiss his cheek.

"Mmm, yes." He whispers as he pulls my body so were both laying down.

He wraps his arms around me and nuzzles his head in my neck.

"I could stay like this for forever, but unfortunately I have work in an hour." I tell him after a few minutes of silent cuddling.

"Trust me, if I had my way, we would." He frowns as he holds me tighter.

We both stay like that for another 20 minutes before I force him to let me up so I'm not late.

We decide that Cal would pick me up after work at my place so I can stop back at my apartment and pick up the things I would need for the weekend.

"You know, its incredible how much you've changed Calum." Mikey says to me as I make his drink. It was weird hearing him be serious because he's normally the most laid back, funny person.

"What?" I ask confused as to where this was coming from.

"He's like completely new person ever since he's been with you...and that's a good thing."

"Its a great thing actually. He's writing more and he's just so much happier." Ashton adds in as he comes over to the counter to get his order for table 3.

"Seriously, I can't thank you enough for bringing him back." Mikey gives me a genuine smile that makes me so happy.

"He's pretty amazing isn't he?" I giggle.

"Let's not get too mushy." He laughs going back to his playful normal self.

I finish up my shift with Ashton and then head back home, excited to finally be with Calum again.

This would be my first time sleeping over with a boy, but truthfully, I wasn't nervous like you expect, I was more anxious. I really couldn't wait to just be alone with him and do nothing.

I knew he had this reputation of sleeping with girls and what not but in the two weeks we've been together, he's never even as much as mentioned or hinted toward it. So I really wasn't worried about that at all.

Gabby was happy with the idea, excited that she and Luke got the place to themselves for once. She helped me pick out my outfits while I pack all the essentials, toothbrush, shampoo, contacts. I was more then prepared when he finally came to pick me up.

We pick up some Chinese takeout for dinner since we both just wanted to relax tonight then make our way back to his house.

"Disney or Horror?" Calum asks as we decide on what movie to watch.

"Disney." We both say at the exact same time making us both burst into laughter.

"I knew I dated you for a reason." He winks as he goes the the stack of films.

"Toy story or Monsters Inc?"

"Definitely Monsters Inc." I giggle grabbing the DVD from him.

"Again, I'm so glad I picked you to date." He smirks.

We do more talking then watching in the end. Both of us laughing at one another for tearing up when Sulley had to leave boo.

I was getting tired and I think Calum could sense that so he wiggled his way out from under me and left for a second.

"I just made up the bed in Mali's room, there's clean sheets and extra pillows." He tells me when he comes back into the living room.

"Oh." I mumble, trying to hide my slight disappointment.

"What's wrong?" He gives me a concerned look.

"Nothing...I just...nevermind." I brush it off, not wanting it to get awkward.

Cuddling with Calum is my favorite thing in the world. When I'm in his arms and he's holding me, that's when I feel the safest, and its like nothing else matters. So I was kind of hoping we'd get to cuddle all night. Not that I minded sleeping alone, I just didn't expect him to not even want to sleep in the same bed as me.

"No, did I do something?" He grabs my hand. "Talk to me."

"Its stupid really..." I mumble embarrassed, my face starting to blush.

"Kam." He urges.

"I just wanted to cuddle tonight that's all."

"We did." He crinkles his eyebrows not understanding.

"Oh..." He finally realizes what I meant. "I just assumed you'd be more comfortable sleeping in your own bed."

"I can, its no problem."

"No, if you want to sleep with me, believe me that is not an issue. There's plenty of room in my bed." He smiles.

"You sure? I didn't want you to get the wrong idea."

'Kamryn, just because I've slept around, doesn't mean I'm going to try anything with you. We'll only do that if and when you're ready. I like you, a lot and I'm not going to risk that over one night of fun. So don't think you have to do anything you aren't fully ready for." He kisses my forehead sweetly.

"You're perfect. How did I ever get so lucky?" I wrap my arms around his neck

"I've asked that same question everyday for the past two weeks." He grins.

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