Chapter 5 Things get complicated.

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~~back to Beth's POV~~

"Okay okay okay so we've got the Nutella, the 5 boxes of cereal, the drinks, the cake mix and all the other supplies."
Man, shopping was a blast, I mean, I fell and hurt my ankle at some point cause I tried to skate on the smooth floors of the supermarket , and that was probably the worst idea I had this afternoon.

"Sav you wanna get some maccas before we head home?" I glanced over to see Sav keenly interested in a text from someone she had gotten around 5 consecutive times from in the past 10mins.
I was curious as to who this person was, but hey that's not my business if she doesn't wanna tell me.

"Oh hey yeah, sure can you go order it for us I've gotta make a call" she said.

I must admit, her eyes looked quite watery, as if she were going to cry? Wtf even. I'm probably hallucinating. Sav never cries. Everrrrr.

"Alright...hey is everything alright tho? You look suddenly upset?"

"Nope I'm fine Hahahaha...just gotta make this phone call, you mind?" She gave me the "you can leave now face"

" two chicken wraps and a Big Mac?"

"Yup, and a Sprite if they have that, hold the ice"

"Okaaaaiiii got it!"

I then walked off and went to order the stuff, Sav still looked worried and upset, but I didn't wanna ask again in fear of irritating her.

****fast forward to the sleepover***

Tonight had been amazing so far. Despite Sav looking like she was a bit upset at maccas, once we reached home her mood had changed and she was back to the stupid gay bitch I'm much too familiar with.

We'd already made the Nutella cup cakes I had wanted to do, everything was set up and put away, well apart from the ends of unfinished food packets that lay on the lovely floor of a garbage waste land that I dearly called my room.

"Okay okay so 21 questions, how many we got left? 3?" Sav looked at me so keenly.

"Yeah yeah, ah, who's turn?"

"Yours I think? Assskkkk"

She looked like a 5 year old so happy and hyper to be at her friends place. Oh Savannah ..

"Okay...let me think"

I couldn't help but have a flash back about the resent events that day...and that mysterious phone calls and sudden change of attitude.

"Okay I've got a question"

I was gonna ask...yolo that shit.

"Earlier you suddenly became upset..and well....I wanna know why..."

She looked at me with eyes of horror, and I wasn't sure just exactly how to handle how she'd react like. But literally swerve.

She was stuttering and honestly was starting to irritate me. Why couldn't she tell me? Legit? Am I not trust worthy enough?


"Yeah yeah I'm waiting"

"I...........I...have....uhm this person..."

"What person? Fuck, spill it!!!"

"I uhm....not...single....."

"I....Oka...y I have a....."

"Boyfriend? A guy? "

I was so eager to know I didn't even let her think .

Sorry for not updating, here's a small update
I'm off to sleep, stay tuned for the sleepover update tomorrow 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2015 ⏰

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