Unexpected Guest

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The soft click of my bedroom door causes my eyes to pry themselves open. My mind is a lot slower. It processes that I am, in fact, on my straw bed in my castle bedchamber, and not on the frigid, bumpy ground of the Highlands. The fireplace on the opposite wall houses a small fire that reflects on the wardrobe. On the mantel are some indistinct knickknacks. A tapestry lines each wall, and the one next to the door is illuminated by a young sun. It is so bright, if I narrow my eyes, I can see the loops of thread.

I fly up into a sitting position before my mind has fully processed why I had moved. I look around the room. There is a fresh gown laid on the chair next to the fireplace. Dairen must have laid it out. Her shutting the door must have woken me up.

I look at the window and find that the sky is fully awake: baby blue and puffy white clouds sail by. I also hear voices, dull banging.

I lunge for the window and press my face to it. Many feet below me, the city of Dunbroch is in full gear with the sun, almost at its highest, shining on them. Oh, shit. I race to the chair and throw off my nightgown. I slip into the chemise folded on the skirt of the gown and tug the dress on. My hair is in knots where it is not still in braids. I cannot tie the laces in the back.

"Dairen!" I shout and hobble to the door, holding the back of the dress closed. If I had to run all over the castle to get someone to lace me up, I would. I was missing it.

I hear footsteps half-jogging, half-hopping down the hall towards my room. I scowl and tug on the laces in frustration. Why didn't someone wake me? I told the Queen, MacLeod, and Robin I would be there. I would help. I would be a moderator. It's at least eleven o' clock. For all I know, they could be finished by now. The thought of everything being resolved after, most likely, the whole castle got up a couple hours later than usual, sends me shouting again.

Dairen bursts through the door, her hair in an unusually sloppy braid. "Yes, me lady?" Her brown eyes dart around the room. There are faint circles under them. "What is it?" She asks.

"I need this stupid gown laced up. I fear I am late for a meeting between the Conn Clan and King Fergus." I turn my back to her.

"Me lady," she says. I can hear the relief in her voice. She brushes my hands away and begins to lace me up. "The meeting has already begun--"

I groan and start for the door, Dairen holding on.

"Me lady, relax. The Queen is present. It will go just fine." She gives the laces a harsh yank to get me to stop.

I want to believe, but I can't stamp the panic.

"I said I would be there. I promised MacLeod and Robin. I have to be there."

"Not without shoes. Besides, the Queen said that Sir MacLeod would prefer you to sleep in. He says you need rest, so the Queen let you be. I am certain Lord Conn would understand."

"You do not know Robin as I do. And MacLeod is being worrisome over me." I look for my shoes.

"I think he is being paternal," Dairen says. She finishes the lacing and brings my shoes from in front of the wardrobe next to the fireplace.

I shove my feet into the flats. They feel thin and wimpy after I have worn boots for so long; my foot muscles ache, remembering the incessant dancing from last night.

"Does my hair look atrocious?" I ask.

"It could use a brushing, but it is not a rat's nest."

"Perfect." I dash to the mantel and grab the lone hair tie I had with me from the States. I slap my hair into a sloppy yet acceptable (I hope it's acceptable) ponytail as I walk to the door.

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