Merida's Highlands

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Note: Hey everyone!  Thank you so much for reading.  I would love it if you commented; this way, I can improve the story.  Thanks again!

Merida barely restrains herself from tapping her foot.  Dairen stands behind me, holding a wayward curl.  I sit before the mirror, in a forest green dress with golden trim.  It makes my eyes very green. 

Merida and I are going to ride in the Highlands today.

Queen Elinor granted the request after I had read the book and been told what my 'job' was to be.  Queen Elinor's plan was for me to spend either the morning or evening of everyday sorting the scrolls and books in the library into five categories.  She was impressed, though not surprised, by my reading skills.  I had readily agreed to be the librarian.  I love books, and the opportunity to work with books and ancient scrolls was way too great of an opportunity for a nerd like me to pass up.  All the history and secrets of the past were right at my fingertips.  I was beyond thrilled.

In addition, I was free to go outside the castle walls-- as long as King Fergus, Merida, or Queen Elinor was with me. It was about eight in the morning and I had been up for about an hour and a half, thanks to Merida bursting into my room before I had even cracked an eye open.  She was a red-haired Energizer bunny.  I was having doubts about keeping up with her in the Highlands, even with four horse legs beneath me.

Dairen finally finds a place for the curl and pins it in place.  I tried to tell her that fixing my hair so beautifully was a waste of her time as it would just fall out, but she shook her head and claimed that her hairdos never fell out, even after a wild ride.  We would soon find out.

"Are we ready now?"  Merida says impatiently.  Dairen rolls her eyes at Merida through the mirror's reflection but smiles at me. 

"Thank you," I say while standing up.  I tentatively touch my hair and rearrange my skirts-- something I was beginning to get the hang of.  I grin at Merida and quirk an eyebrow at her.  "Ready to ride?"

A devilish grin that should have made me nervous splits her face.  She grabs my hand and everything is a blur as we tear out of the room, skirts swishing, and down the halls, stairs, and outside.  Crisp air bites at my nose and exposed ears, but the sun is shining.  I hear the waves of the sea gently crashing against the cliffs.  A shout echoes outside the tall, cold walls. 

This is going to be awesome.

Merida quickly brushes Angus and I stroke my small, dun mare, Dove.  Someone has cleaned her for me already, all I had to do was tack her up.  Fortunately, the saddle is not much different from a modern English saddle, merely heavier and stiffer with a fuller skirt and higher pommel.

I croon to Dove, asking her silly questions in a low voice, complimenting her.  I do this with every horse I ride.  I try to get to know her.  I see that Merida is almost finished, so decide to tackle the task of mounting-- from the ground--in a full skirt.  This dress is a travel dress, Dairen had said, meaning that it had a wider skirt so it could spread over the saddle, enabling the woman to ride astride.  I could use a bucket, but do not want to look wimpy.  In addition, it was going to be really strange to ride in these flats instead of boots.

I stand back from Dove and wipe my palms on my dress.  I had no doubt I'd be making a fool of myself.  No one was staring at me from town, but if I couldn't pull myself up-- Quit it, Agnes!  You can mount a horse.  You've done it for years.  Ignore everyone.  There really isn't anyone for me to ignore...  Wait, no, there is.

Alistair is watching me from underneath a horse's stomach as he puts a shoe on, nails in his mouth.  I nearly cross my arms and demand what he is staring at.  I don't because Dove suddenly swings her rump toward me.  "What is that about?"  I ask her quietly, keeping an eye on the blacksmith.  Dove nickers at me and tilts her head in Alistair's direction, then to me, finally to the saddle.  Oh, I get it.

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