The Decision

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Clan Conn does not exist.  I mean, I have never heard of it in Dunbroch or in the throne room when recording court sessions. I realize this as I walk back to the tavern, as Alistair's and my bags had been taken to a room while he had been unconscious and I speaking with the leader of the town.  I was going to move them into the house.  The woman had invited me when I had thanked her for caring for Alistair.  I couldn't turn the offer down; I needed to save the money where I could.  Plus, it would be ungrateful not to.  

Anyways, I try my very best to figure out if I had seen a Clan Conn symbol on the map or had heard Queen Elinor mention it.  I should be thinking about who my travel companion can be and how to get Alistair back to Dunbroch when he had healed enough.  He wouldn't like it, but if I was far over yonder, it would be silly for him to try to catch up to me, as I'd still be moving.  Unless, I found Merida.

That prospect was not looking very promising at the moment.

Curiosity gets the better of me and I swerve to the right and towards another small house.  The faces of the five men slideshow through my head: I had to know more.  If only because my loyalty to Dunbroch and Scotland's rulers made me protective of any unknown group within the country's borders. 

Good God, I'm beginning to act as a diplomat.

When I knock on the town leader's door, I suddenly wish I had changed into the dress.  It would look far more presentable and formal.  The door opens and the town leader blinks down at me in surprise, for he is a tall and thin man.  "Maiden Agnes, what a pleasant surprise.  What brings you here?  I hope your brother has recovered some and the tavern owner treating you well."

"Oh, yes.  Alistair has recovered some; he will not be fit to travel for some time, but is comfortable for now.  And the tavern dwellers are all friendly."  Except for one, I think while pasting on a smile.

He is relieved-- his shoulders sag.  "I am here because I would like to inquire about--"  I pause, realizing I do not know how to phrase this without sounding suspicious.

The town leader shifts, "Go on, Maiden.  What is troubling you?"

"I need to inquire after a travelling companion for myself."  Raised brows.  "My brother, understandably, is concerned over my welfare if I travel on without him.  He insists someone trustworthy accompanies me."  He can't argue with that: brothers were duty-bond in  the Middle Ages to guard their sisters.  

"But would it not be easier on your mind and his to remain together?  Knowing that you are here in a safe and highly guarded town will give him peace of mind, enabling him to recover more quickly.  Do you not want to aid in your brother's recovery?" 

Apparently, he can.  I had not thought about how women were seen as the norm caregivers to the sick and injured, especially to those who were family.  I was obligated as Alistair's "sister" to remain at his bedside and tend to his needs until he was fine again.  How many other things had I overlooked?  This was minor; had I missed something major?  I sincerely hoped not, as I had enough obstacles to climb over. 

"Alas," I say with a tired expression, careful not to become the drama queen at my old high school. "It was in vain I attempted to convince my dear brother to let me remain by his side.  For he insisted I continue on-- our journey is of great significance, and he is convinced nothing must sway us, not even his injuries."  I drop my head, but not before I glance the leader watching me with pitiful understanding.  Sheesh.  "He persuaded me, though insisting I must find a suitable and honorable companion to protect me. He suggested I speak to you."  Even though I took out five bandits all by my lonesome and...

My head snaps up as a plan takes root in my head.  The leader is looking at me quizzically.  I duck my head again, but say more determinedly, "And, though your judgment is best, I am curious of what you think of the Clan of Conn." 

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