Inside Castle Walls

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The next morning, I wake up on my side facing away from the wall. Fresh, early morning sunshine streams through the glass windows. I watch some dust float along in the sun's rays before abruptly sitting up. One hand anchored on the bed, I shove my hair out my face. My hand wraps around something. I look down.

A comb with pearls and diamonds rests in the palm. "Shoot," I mutter and fall back onto the mattress. Now that I am awake, I am again aware of the leg wraps and dress I had neglected to take off last night. If I could have taken it off; the laces were in the back. So last night had not been a dream. I had dreamed that this had been a dream with my subconscious the whole time reminding me it wasn't. Waking up, before I had opened my eyes, I had prayed that I would be in my own bed, even with some straw stabbing into my ribs.

A cold draft drifting over my arms and down my neck are concrete proof that my prayer was not answered. I cannot go back to sleep. My mind is running full speed and my senses are picking up every noise: footsteps rushing by; the faint clang of pots; giggles racing by; and even horses neighing. My legs quiver with early morning adrenaline, ready to seize the day. I lay perfectly still for one moment, my body bracing itself, then launch to my feet. The leg wrappings fall to my ankles and I kick them off. The cool air that rushes up my long skirt awakens me more.

I twist my torso back and forth to stretch my back. Besides being a little stiff, I feel incredible. I walk to the window and I catch my breath. The sun will be finished rising above the trees in an hour or so. For now, it spreads warm, welcome rays onto the green treetops and gray castle walls. The ocean is calm and the sky clear. Wow. "This is incredible," I murmur. I stand there for a while, just watching the sun rise and listening to the locals. I feel peace. And fresh. And... alive.

The sound of my door opening turns me around. Dairen is carrying a tray of bread and cheese and some kind of meat. Dressed in a pretty brown dress, her hair is wound on top of her head. "Good morning, Lady Agnes. Did you sleep well?" She smiles.

"Yes, I did." I smile back, unable to help myself. She is hard not to like. Thinking to last night, everyone I have met-- except Queen Elinor-- is impossible to dislike. I gesture to the sun's rays, "It is a lovely morning."

She sets the tray down on my nightstand-- when did it become my nightstand? --and nods. "You will want to dress a little more warmly; it is quite chilly in the halls."

I say thank you and she tells me to eat. I am hungry, I just realize. I sit on the bed and start on the bread. Dairen walks to the tall wardrobe that reminds me of Narnia and rummages through the few dresses. I am a little confused as to why there is clothes already in the wardrobe; I hope I did not steal a frequent visitor's room.

"Princess Merida is a wee bit taller than you. Other than that, she is the same size. So, all of these dresses should fit you and the colors bring out your eyes."

"Oh. I cannot take any of the Princesses' dresses. I fear I may ruin them."

Dairen snorts, an action that seems too rough for someone so petite and ladylike. "I can assure you, no one can ruin dresses more quickly or effectively than Princess Merida. You shall be fine." She pulls out a dark blue dress with slightly puffed elbows on the long sleeves. "This ought to keep you warm enough." She holds the dress out in front of her.

I stand up and walk to her. In front of the dress, I pose and see that it will fit me perfectly. I turn and grin. "Looks like it will be swell."


I finish eating breakfast after Dairen helps me undress and put on the new dress. It is still awkward. She leaves promising a bath tomorrow morning. I am so relieved. I may not feel gross yet, but I will tomorrow. She told me that Merida would arrive shortly to give me a tour of the rest of the castle. But having done almost everything, especially exploring, solitary, I decide to go explore myself. That is, until I try to open the door.

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