Going Home

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Boarding the plane without Hope didn't feel right. Even after we knew that she wasn't with us anymore, our mission still didn't feel complete. I sat my Pierce on our flight home and watched him. I knew that he was thinking about Hope the entire way home, as was I, and I knew that he was hurt. Then again, he had fallen in love with someone back home, so he had someone to comfort him.


The pilot alerted us that we would be home in less than 10 minutes. How would life be when we got back home? Was my mother worried about me? I assumed that since I did not know, that it was time to start another chapter of my life. It was time to start over as a new Journey and let life take me where it was meant to go. I had met dilemma.

*End of Part 2*

(Author's Note: Look forward to Part 3 from this book. I thought it would be best to keep the series going in just one enclosed book to keep the confusion down for the people who are reading the entire series. Thanks again for the support!)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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