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We were at our flat, and I had just taken a shower. I was getting changed when I heard the door creak and a quiet voice,"Hey Kasuto do you want panca- AHHH IM SO SORRY!" I turned around and covered myself immediately, laughing at how he reacted.

"Oi! Get out you pervert!" You said while laughing. You threw a shoe at him and he closed the door in a panic. Silly Hiroshi.

I changed into my normal outfit, and left my hair down. It was a mess, but I don't care anymore. I walked into the living room and saw bright red Hiro, covering his face with a frying pan. He was wearing black skinny jeans and no shirt. What a slut. He had left the stove on, so I turned it off and slapped him.

"YOU COULDVE BURNT THE HOUSE DOWN HIROSHI JAUNE KATSUBA WHY DID YOU LEAVE THE STOVE ON?" I scolded him for a few more minutes, then calmed down. I spoke up again,"Also put on a shirt you slut there are no hot girls, with the exception of me, around to impress." His blush deepened and I hit him in the arm.

"Now c'mon Shirtless-McGee we're going to school!" I made a bowl of cereal and ate it, remembering buying several boxes of this when I lived with Kid, then them all falling, creating a giant mountain of cereal on the floor. I grabbed my backpack and put on the closest pair of converse I could find.

I got up and my shoes fell off immediately. I looked down and noticed I was wearing Hiro's shoes, which were way bigger than mine. I quickly changed shoes and made sure I had gotten everything. I was only missing one thing, my weapon.

"HIRO! We're going to be late for school! Get your ass over here!" I yelled to him. I heard a few angry shouts from the street, remembering that I just yelled that with our door open. Oh well. Hiro came out with his normal outfit, but his hair was flat on his head. "Hiro, your hair looks ridiculous. Come here, bend down a bit I'm too short." He bent down and I messed up his hair, giving it that 'I just woke up but I'm still cute' look. I could be a hairstylist.

We walked to school, and my legs eventually got tired, so I looked at Hiro with pleading eyes.

"I'm not carrying you on my back Kasu-chan."





I came over and hopped onto his back, holding his head. I felt like I was flying, as Hiro was over 6 feet tall, and I was on the lower side of 5 feet. It was like see the world from a whole different angle. Actually, that's exactly what it is! I looked at the buildings, and noticed a certain blue-haired Meister walking on top of the roof. He had who I'm guessing is Tsubaki in his hands, and he was hopping from building into building. I looked over to Hiro and whispered,"Turn into a weapon for a second, I have a plan." He looked confused for a second, but then saw Black*Star and nodded. He turned into a scythe and I grabbed him.

I aimed and shot Black*Star, not dealing any damage, but still knocking off of his feet. He fell off the building, and I ran to catch him. I caught him bridal style, and I saw a light blush in his cheeks. This guy has got to stop blushing.

"YOU CAN PUT YOUR GOD DOWN ALREADY!" He yelled. I put him down, and his blush faded. Tsubaki turned back into his human form, and walked with us. Hiro leaned his elbow on my head, and I pushed it off.

"Hiro! Your going to mess up my hair. Your hair looks good no matter what you do to it, mine doesn't," I told him. He chuckled and put me back on his shoulders, then started running. "Hiro! Why are we running away from them?" He looked up at me, and I realized that he still thinks Black*Star is really annoying. He is kind of annoying, but I ignore it. How do you think I survived living with Kid most of my life?

We got up the stairs, still panting. He decided to put me down the moment we reached the stairs. How rude. I noticed Soul and Maka walking up to the school. I admit, Soul is kind of cute, but love isn't a thing I'm looking for this year. Everyone is pretty cute to me anyways. I felt a breeze and got really cold, but I tried to hide it. I guess the fact that I'm shivering gave it away. Hiro looked at me, and took off his sweater. He was wearing a purple tee-shirt underneath, so it's not like he didn't have a shirt. I took the hoodie and put it on, mentally cursing myself for not bringing mine with me. Hiro's jacket was way to big on me, so it almost reached down to my knees.

"HEY KASUTO HOW DARE YOU RUN AWAY FROM THE BIGGEST STAR THERE IS. I AM-oh, hi Hiro," Black*Star exclaimed. He must've noticed that Hiro doesn't like him, and is making a conscious attempt to be less annoying. I heard the bell ring, and my eyes widened. Me and Hiro sprinted to our classroom, seeing a disappointed Stein.

"Sorry Professor, we got a bit....distracted," Hiro explained. I felt bad for Hiro. My poor partner forced to hang out with some guy because I wanted to give him a chance. But giving people a chance is why we're partners in the first place. Going into that battle that Hiro was stuck in, was a huge risk. I wasn't mentally ready to use my flexible soul, so if our wavelengths didn't match, something bad could've happened. I guess Hiro will have to get over it.

We walked over to our seats with our heads down, and Black*Star tried to start a conversation. "Black Star shut up for a bit okay? Class has started," I whispered. I turned to him and saw a look of shock plastered on his face, and held back a laugh. I guess nobody has told him to shut up so harshly before. He faced Stein after he recovered, and didn't talk for rest of the class. Wow, I didn't think that would work. The bell rang for lunch, so me and Hiro got up and started to walk away. We were stopped by someone's hand on our shoulders, so we turned around. There was Death the Kid, who looked a little sad.

"Kasu-chan, Hiroshi, can you guys maybe....sit with us at lunch today?" He asked shyly. Why would he be shy around us? He's so weird.

"Sorry n-," I started.

"Of course! We'd love to sit with you guys!" Hiro interrupted,"Right Kasuto?" I guess he really wanted me to make friends, socialize. I looked down and nodded, then held Hiro's wrist as if I was saying, you sure about this? "Kasuto we'll be fine. Black*Star's annoying but I can deal with it. You need to make friends."

We got over to the lunch tables, and sat down. The moment everyone had gotten settled, there was a huge conversation going on. It was like no one stopped talking the whole time. I just blocked it out and stared at my sandwich, taking a bite every few minutes. Hiro seemed to notice this, so he warmly smiled at me and asked me if I was okay.

"I'm fine you noodle! I'm just tired," I responded. It wasn't exactly true, but it was good enough for him. He returned to talking with everyone else, and I looked at how he was talking. He didn't seem fully comfortable with them, but he was making a good attempt to make friends. He was always the guy who wanted every own around him to be happy. So when he met me, he took my antisocial-ness as a challenge. I guess for the first time in two years, it's starting to work.

Once lunch was over, school was suddenly canceled. All of us walked over to our class to find out what happened. Once we got there, we saw a student on the floor, bleeding. We were all silent until Stein burst into the room.

"Kids? What happened? Do you know this student?" He asked. He didn't seem too worried, which upset me. This kid could be dying, or worse....already dead. My emotions took over, and I punched him in the stomach.

"DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT THIS GIRL? IF SHE DIES WE'RE NOT TAKING THE BLAME STEIN," I yelled. Hiro held me back while Maka helped Stein back up. I apologized for punching him and left the room. I kept walking until I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Kid, Black*Star, and Hiro.

"Kasuto what's wrong? You've never acted this way before," Hiro worriedly said. Kid nodded, and there was a moment of silence. I was pulled into a hug, from I don't know who, and instantly started sobbing. This is the most emotion I've shown in a while. I looked up and saw Hiro, who patted my head and let go.

"Thanks," I said while wiping away my tears. I had to toughen up if I'm going to survive this school year. I haven't had a mission yet and I'm already softening up to everyone.

Suddenly, the other came out of the room. They told us the girl was in the infirmary and will be okay, but something was wrong. Everything was put off balance when i had that outburst.

I can't let this happen again.

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