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Kasuto Toshibara's POV

Five days.

She's been dead for five days, and I still feel empty, like something is missing. Can you miss a person you had just met? I tried so hard to save her, I worked so hard to make sure nothing happened again. But despite how much I wanted to succeed, I couldn't. I've failed, so now I just wait.

Waiting at home, skipping school. Waiting for her to come back, although I know that it can't happen. I looked over to the small box beside me, the only source of light present in my room. In there is the last traces of Rhyme. The closest I'll ever get to happiness.

Everyone was visiting lately. Maka, Soul, DTK, even Black*Star visited, making sure I was okay. I'm not okay, so they would leave. It was the same process every day. I skipped school, which Hiro found worrying. I don't know how long I can keep this up.

I heard the doorbell ring, so I groggily got up and opened the door. I was greeted with blue hair, so I closed the door. I really don't want to deal with him right now. But I opened the door again anyways, silently inviting him in. I sat on the couch, so he followed.

"Hey, Kasuto-san, you haven't really talked much lately, huh?" No reply.

"Oh, yeah that makes sense. I got you pancakes. Tsubaki made them," he tried again. He handed me a box, which contained the said food. I took a bite, and put it aside.


"Y-you talked! You should do that more often," he exclaimed. He's acting weird. Too quiet, too sad. I did this to him, didn't I? I did this to everyone. It's my fault. I shook my head, and his cheery expression faded.

"That's okay. Kasuto-chan, there is something you should know," he said,"I'm afraid that things will change if I say it. So if it does, don't be more sad, okay?" I nodded, unsure if whatever he has to say is really that bad.

"Kasuto I- no. I don't know how to say it. Maybe I just shouldn't, leave it alone," he sadly admitted.

"No, tell me," I whispered. He looked at me in shock.

"I can't. How about.....I just, show you." he said. I turned to him in confusion, but was greeted by a kiss. I stopped breathing, I stopped moving in general. He pulled away in disappoint. But the feeling in my chest wasn't love. And even though I wished it was, it was something much worse. I was angry.



"I said go!" I yelled, frozen in my tracks. I tried to walk away, but I couldn't. He left slowly, looking back at me. How dare he mess with my emotions like that. I lost someone incredibly important, someone who didn't deserve any of the pain and suffering she went through back there. How dare he act like nothing happened, and do something like that now.

Despite my anger, one emotion flooded my senses. Regret.

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