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A/N: Hey guys! I know there's like two people readings this but whatever. I just wanted to know who you ship (in the story) so far! Enjoy the story.

A/N 2: This update is just some spelling corrections. You can reread it if some parts were confusing at first, or just ignore this.

Black*Star's POV

We were waiting in the hospital lobby for the doctors to come back with Kasuto's health. I told them I was their future God, so they have to hurry up, but they threatened to kick me out of the hospital. TALK ABOUT RUDE! We were talking, some were crying, until the doctor came into the lobby.

"WELL DOCTOR MAN,  HOW KASUTO DOING? HUH?" I yelled at him. He seemed scared, so he took a step back. Ha, wimp. Tsubaki sat me back down, so the doctor spoke up.

"Well, Kasuto will be fine, but we can't let her go until he wakes up." Upset, i shoot from my chair. I start screaming at the doctor, so Stein has to pull me away from the group.

"Black*Star you need to be quiet for a while. The hospital is supposed to be quiet and calm. Your behavior is not helping," he harshly whispered. That damn scientist. Mad scientist, at that. Even though he seemed crazy, I noticed how much he cares about Kasu-chan. He's either a pervert, or a good person, and I don't know which. I mean, I'm sure he doesn't want any of his students to die. But him caring isn't going to help anyone. That damn doctor gave me no information about Kasuto's current health. And everyone else is so calm? How could they be okay? THIS GIRL COULD BE DYING, AND THEY ACT LIKE SHE'LL BE FINE. Even if they do care, they're doing a shit job of showing it.

Stein's POV

I have a good hypothesis for why Kasuto passed out. Her expression and movements suggest she realised something, or went through a great deal of shock. Its not helping that she reminds me of....her. This girl resembles her almost exactly. I was sure she wasn't the same person, due to her purple hair. But after seeing those silver streaks, its completely possible. But I haven't seen that little girl for years. Plus, arent there seven people in the world that look exactly like you? It could be just a big coincidence.

Gah! Nevermind, I'm going to worry myself to insanity. This girl is going to be the death of us.

(A/N this is getting emotional so here is Lord Death's segment)

LD: Hey guys! Im sure you want to know more about our new students, so here's a bit of information about each of them. Lets start with our dear Kasuto. This girl is a prodigy. She has a flexible soul, and can use her soul to attack people. Not only is she a powerful Meister to Hiroshi, but is also a weapon. She can turn into a Chackram, and throwable weapon that can also be used in close up battle. She and Hiro have practiced this skill so they are both able to wield eachother. She is trained in martial arts, and excels in all types of combat. Id rather not list everything she has been taught, but a few include Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Kendo, Judo, Filipino Martial Arts, Jujitsu, and much more. Her mother died at birth, and her father was only able to take care of her for a short while. She was handed over to me on her first birthday, and has lived with us ever since. She ran away from home two years ago, in search for a weapon. She is panromantic-asexual, but doesnt fall in love easily. She closed off all of her emotions at an early age, creating a barrier between her and the outside world. The only people able to infiltrate this wall is my son, Death the Kid, and her weapon, Hiro. She hates cliches, and avoids them at all costs. She uses logical thinking and patterns to solve problems, not relying on smarts. This makes her a great partner with Hiroshi, who depends on his wit to get out of sticky situations.

LD: Kasuto is incredibly strong, and can beat any guy or girl in her age range in a fight easily. Guys tend to pick fights with her, so they end up having the courage beaten out of them. Kasuto was once a timid and emotional girl, but started training the day she could walk. Literally. She didnt put up that wall to keep in her emotions until the age of nine, when a boy developed a crush on her. When she turned him down, he attacked her in a fit of rage. The boy had to be banished from the city, and Kasuto took the blame. She never forgave herself.

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