1k and extras??

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So....recently we hit 1k!!!! I wanted to celebrate this milestone by giving you some extra tidbits I forgot to include in the main story.

But thats just about where I stopped. I realized that I don't remember much about the story, or what the extras would be. So, I reread.

This wasn't much of a problem because I shamelessly reread my own stories from time to time. When I was rereading, I noticed I never wrote in Black*Star's date before the end of the story. So, here ya go.

I woke up, my brain not fully processing what today was. So, I got up and headed to Hiro's room like I would every morning. I shook him awake, handing him a mug. He groaned, getting up to go make me a coffee. Sugar and cream, like always.

Halfway through my cup of coffee, it came to me. "Date with Black*Star!" I yelled, startling the half-alseep weapon on the couch.

"And? You are the one who planned it," Hiro half heartedly replied. I sighed, getting up. Guess I'll have to get ready.

I put on my usual outfit, light pink collared, quarter length sleeve shirt, and black capri skinny jeans. But my silver roots were showing and made me look worn out, not complimenting the cleanliness of the outfit.

I put my hair up into a tight bun, and searched through my drawers. I pulled out a grey crop-top, and blue high-waisted skinny jeans. I pulled on my black jacket, feeling a bit better about my messy appearance. I ran into the bathroom, slipping in before Hiro could say,"Kasuto wHAT THE HELL!"

I brushed my teeth, afterwards butting bobby pins into my hair to tame the fly-aways. I sprayed in a thin layer of hairspray to keep it in place. I ran back out, followed by Hiro's glare. "Oi, wake up a little please! I can't stand my sweet weapon looking so angry!" I complained, slightly slapping his cheeks. I pouted, and ran back into the kitchen.

I poured myself some cereal, finishing my coffee in one sip. I checked the clock, I had thirty minutes before I have to go. Hiro emerged from the bathroom, looking more refreshed than before. "Aw, there's Hiro! Welcome back~" I teased.

He groaned, and sat down next to me on the couch. "You know I could never hate you right?" he asked. I raised an eyebrow at him, a smirk on my face.

"Of course, you love me," I replied, waiting for what he was about to say.

"Thank goodness. Knowing this, you should also know you are a major asshole and belong in a dumpster," he rambled. I let out a low chuckle.

I gasped melodramatically, puttind a hand over my heart. "Hiro, such foul language!"I exclaimed. I tackled him, pulling both of us to the floor. He laughed and flipped us around, hovering above me.

He put his hands on my sides, and I realized what he was about to do. "You wouldn't!"

"I would!" he yelled, tickling me. I screamed a series of curses, loud enough to block out the sound of the door opening. Hiro stopped, noticing the open door.

Black*Star stood in the doorway, and I realized what this looked like. Hiroo was straddling me, hands resting on my stomach. We were both panting, our faced bright red. Black*Star blushed, slowly closing the door. "Wait, come back!" I pushed Hiro off of me, running after the boy. I grabbed his wrist, pulling him back inside. "Boys, stay here while I fix my hair, kay?" They nodded, Black*Star awkwardly sitting on the couch.

I ran into the bathroom, pulling out my hair pins and fixing my bun. Once I got back, everyone had settled down, so I left with my date. I waved goodbye, and Hiro sent me a knowing smirk. I just glared back at him.

"Sooooo, where are we going?" I asked. He pointed to the shops across the street.

"We're going shopping!" He yelled.

"Tsk, you know I don't have money!" I complained.

"Idiot! That's the point. I'm paying," he explained. He smiled at me, so we headed to the first shop. A dog shop. I ran in, looking at all the puppies. There were a few corgis, which people were allowed to pet. I managed to stay there for 30 minutes before Black*Star pulled me away.

"I'm not buying you a dog, Kasu-chan," he scolded.

After circling the whole block, the only thing that had been purchased was a sparkling geode. We sat down on a bench outside of the dog store, and I felt something warm in my hand.

I looked down, and I saw that it was another hand!! I realized that the hand was not, in fact, a chopped off hand from a bizzare crime seen. Instead, Black*Star had plucked up the courage to hold my hand. I looked back up, and he was blushing furiously.

He didn't let go until we got back to my apartment. I wiped the sweat off of my hand, and opened the door. I waved goodbye to Black*Star, and closed the door behind me.

Well that was that. I also want to include some fun facts about the story that werent written in.

She never redyed her hair
She died with the messy, half silver hair. I don't know why but this makes me a little bit sad whoops.

•Stein was her father
This one is really obvious whoops. Guess I should give some background. Her mom died during labor, which basically broke Stein. He tried to take care of her, but his madness was too much to care her, so he gave her to Lord Death when she turned one. Stein didn't fully recognize her when she went to the DWMA. He manages to fully realize she was his daughter when she died. (OMG wouldnt he be able to know since she knew Lord Death and Kid?!?!1?1?1) Look man, she didnt exactly go around telling everyone her life story.

•Rhyme and Hiro are half-siblings
I originally planned for this to be revealed but whatever. Rhyme ran away years before Hiro did. The reason why they were rich was because the man their mom cheated with was extremely wealthy. Rhyme doesnt remember much, so she didn't recognize Hiro. Hiro knew, but didn't want to make things to complicated. This ones kinda out there. But only if you really look into it. Dark brown hair, similar personalities. Tall.

This was supposed to be happy

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