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A/N: this is nore of a filler chapter. I thought you'd want more information about our dear Rhyme.

A/N 2: I did a spell check and it should be better to read now.

Rhyme's POV

My name is Alyssa Casune, and Im about to take a huge risk, by entering the DWMA. You see, ive managed to keep my identity a secret for now, but the school is filled with geniuses. Some of them mught have weird voodoo mind-reading powers. I enrolled as Rhyme, and just Rhyme. Ive always gone by the name Rhyme, as it is gender-neutral and super cool sounding, but there are still people that know me as Alyssa. The thing is, im not Alyssa, and i never have been. Entering the Death Weapon Meister Academy could be a life-changing opportunity, or a death wish.

I suppose you want to know more about me. Im adrogynous, so i accept all pronouns. I am sexually attracted to women, but i still acknowledge that men can be pretty cute. But just because they are cute, doesnt mean i want to fuck them. Learn the difference. OOPS THAT SOUNDED MEAN IM SORRY. I meant dont be an asshole please. I am a weapon, but i am yet to find out what weapon I am. Being a weapon runs in my family, although I've never met them. You see, I ran away from home at a very young age. All i knew was my first name. I eventually adopted the last name Casune, and lived my life on the streets. All i know about my family is we were fairly rich, and i had a brother. Technically he is my half brother. I ran away because our parents were fighting almost everyday, and it became too much for me to handle. I was the reason they fought. My mother har an affair with another man, and ended up getting pregnant with me. Quite a sad bad story, isnt it? Anyways, back to my current situation.

I had finally found my classroom, and managed to avoid Lord Death. I heard he was creepy, but I got this information from a couple of old ladies who live across the city. They havent seen the guy in person, and were basing their statements off of pictures taken hundreds of years ago. I pushed the door open, and saw a classroom full of students. The thing was, the teacher seemed to be missing. He suddenly rolled in, and fell on his back the moment he entered the room. I was worried at first, but the room seemed as peaceful as ever, so I calmed down. The teacher greeted the class, and I saw a girl looking straight at me, ignoring the man talking.

The girl is beautiful, like this form of perfection took little to no effort. She has silver, chrome-like eyes that sparkled in the sun-light, and the edges turned into a dark grey. The edges of her eyes reminded me of a cloudy night sky, but the middle shined like a freshly welded weapon. Her hair was bright purple, but turned silver at the roots. She mustve dyed her hair to avoid teasing and bullying. Her lips were plump, and made a nice shape at the top. They were slightly parted, as if she was shocked in some way. She seemed to be wearing no makeup, but it suited her. But suddenly, our staring contest was interrupted by the teacher. I introduced myself, and sat down at the first empty seat i saw. Luckily, it was right below the girl. I have got to properly introduce myself to her after class.

But alas, my plan was ruined. The moment the bell rang, her and that boy, who i assume is her partner, got up and left. I left the room as well, but i saw the girl walk up to me. "Hey um, my names Kasuto. I just wanted to know if you want to hang out sometime? You seem like a pretty cool girl and I think we should get to know eachother," she nervously started,"I mean as friends! Unless you want to get to know eachother the other way, like a date? Wait no you just met me sorry about that." She looked up slowly and I started laughing. She seemed offended by the way i reacted.  "Hey why are you laughing? Im the strongest kid in this academy if you want to make fun of me, then step right up and fight me! Wait no, im sorry i didnt mean it that way just please stop laughing oo-" but i had to interrupt her there. I told her my gender and such, then asked if she wanted to get ice cream tonight. She was so cute, how could i say no. But off course she stiffend up, and i was taken back. She obviously is a generally stoic person, but she let her guard down. She then nodded her head and left. I watched her walk over to her partner, and slump over the chair. I must've embarrassed her. Oops, i didnt mean to do that. She got so flustered i couldnt help but laugh.

They left, probably to go eat lunch. I didnt have anywhere to sit, so i headed to where most of the students ate. When i looked around, I saw that there was just about zero open seats left. And i dont blame anyone for not noticing me. Im probably the plainest person in the world. I have dark, dark brown hair and eyes to match. Both features are so dark they appear black. Its quite uninteresting if you think about it. Each kid here had some special thing about them. There was a kid with blue hair, and a guy with red eyes. But i was stuck with this ugly shade of brown. Why would anyone want to talk to me in the first place.

I was getting sad, until i remembered was Kasuto said earlier today. She genuinely wanted to get to know me. She wanted to get ice cream later. So, I  made a risky decision. I started to walk in the direction i saw her and that boy go, until i saw them eating on the floor of a hallway. I introduced  myself to her partner, whose name is Hiro. He seemed like a nice guy, so i didnt bother him too much. While we were talking, a look of worry washed over Kasuto's face. I hope she's okay. I really wanted to help, but she seemed like she didnt want my help. I decided not to pry.

All was going well until we heard loud footsteps at the end of the hall. When we saw who it was, it was a group of kids ive only seen in class. But Kasuto and Hiro knew who they were, so i was relieved. But they werent. Suddenly, the blond girl spoke up.

"Kasuto! Hiroshi! Its Professor Stein!"


Short chapter, but I hope you enjoy! I dont feel too good, and ive had a lot of anxietly recently. I hope the few people reading this story are okay with my current updating/wattpadd situation. ALSO i didnt check for spelling so it might be a bit weird until i do that.

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