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It was Friday, two days after that girl was found injured in Stein's classroom, and I suddenly got a text from....Black*Star? I don't remember giving him my phone number. I haven't given anyone, except for Kid, my number. Kid must've left his phone out or something. Baka. Black*Star was inviting me and Hiro to a party, which was tonight. If we accepted, we would have 2 hours to get ready.

"Hey Hiro, wanna go to Black*Stars party in two hours?" I asked. He nodded in agreement, so we got up and got ready. I put on some basic makeup, and my usual outfit. I brushed my hair for once, making sure it wasn't tangled. I walked into the bathroom, and saw Hiro in a suit.

"BAHAHAHAH! Hiro are you wearing a suit? This is Black*Star's party, not a formal ball. Get on something casual and grab some earplugs, just in case," I said. He got on his usual outfit, and came out of his room. "See? Much better!" I patted the seat next to me, telling him to sit down. I turned around once he had, and messed up his hair. His hair looks better that way. He laughed and put his elbow on my shoulder. I turned on Spirited Away, and watched that until it was time to go.

"Hiroshi! We're going now!" We put on our converse and walked out the door. I grabbed my skateboard and started to ride, until I remembered Hiro broke his bike when we were moving into our flat. He ran to catch up, and turned into a gun-scythe. I tucked him into my belt holder and rode off.

Once we had reached Black*Star and Tsubaki's house, I took Hiro out of my holder. He turned back into a human and looked at me before knocking. His pale green eyes were laced with fear. I grabbed his arm and whispered,"Hey, it's going to be okay. What about making friends?" He smiled in response, so I pushed the door open.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" Everybody had yelled at once, so it sounded cringy and out of sync. Then, Kid spoke up,"Good job on becoming the most powerful team at the school! And for successfully moving into Death City." They all patted our backs, and winced every time I was hit too hard.

"I didn't know this party was for us. If I had, I would've worn something nicer," Hiro light-heartedly exclaimed. He was blushing, and almost his whole face was red. Hiro you silly turnip. We all sat down, and I was given a slice of cake.

"Sorry guys, I don't really like cake. Hiro, do you want my slice?" I saw that he had already eaten half of his, and he nodded enthusiastically. I put my plate between us, when Black*Star spoke up.

"How about we play sev-EIGHT minutes in heaven?" He suggested. Everyone nodded in approval, except for me.

"Dude, that's soooo cliche! I'm going to end up with someone and it'll be all 'we're soul mates bla bla bla.' Hell no," I said. Everyone looked at me in shock, but I just shrugged. "I'd honestly rather play Monopoly. Tsubaki, do you have that?" She nodded and left the room, coming back with a dusty box. We opened it and saw a brand new Monopoly set, so we all chose a pawn. There was only 8, lucky Kid, so me and Hiro teamed up. I usually based this game on strategy, and he used math or some shit like that.

We played for an hour, until Black*Star won. "HAHAHAH. NO ONE IS BETTER THAN ME!" He boasted. In a fit of rage, I threw a hotel at him, and it hit his nose.

"YOU WERE CHEATING. I SAW YOU GRAB A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS FROM THE BANK!" I screamed back. We were throwing insults back and forth, while our kind tree partners (Tsubaki and Hiro) tried to calm us down. We eventually gave up, but demanded a rematch, just between the two of us.

We played for another hour, with Maka as the banker. She wouldn't choose sides, is really smart, and isn't obsessed with symmetry. I won, and I did a victory dance. "I KNEW I WOULD WIN!" I got high-fives from the whole table, except for Black*Star. He just grunted and turned his head away. We played some other games, then started a game of hide and seek. I know it's childish, but it's fun with a large group. We all yelled 'Nose Goes!' and, of course, Hiro lost. He zoned out sometimes, but I do too. We work on it together.

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