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Hiroshi Katsuba's POV:

I found her, laying on the floor, arm extended. I never thought I would hate the color red so much until now. Picking up the letter, crying. It too, was marked with a red seal.

"I'm so sorry. It was too much.

I love you.

Hiro, Kid, everyone.

Tell Black*Star I regret it.

Tell everyone I made a mistake.

Don't mourn me. Spread my ashes where Rhyme died. Bury my soul near the sakura trees near the school. Hiro, do it for me.

Live long lives, be happy. Make up for my lost time. Have kids, get married. Tell stories of Aunt Kasuto, and how she tried.

Don't end up like me.

Hiro, I regret this already. Find someone to love you like I did. As a meister, a sister, a friend, and a first love.

Kid, tell Uncle Death its not his fault. Its not yours either. Don't let my sacrifice be in vain, make sure stay happy in times of devastation.

Black*Star, cry for once. You can have sad emotions too. Marry someone nice for me, will you?

Soul, you too. And Maka. Go ahead and cry. Don't let this affect you. Go on with your lives, doing what I should've done. 

And everyone, love yourselves as much as I wish I could. 

I'm sorry"

I forgive you.

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