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My name is Kasuto Rin Toshibara, and I'm about to enter the place I ran away from two years ago. The DWMA. As I look at the huge staircase, I feel a emptiness in the pit of my stomach, and it just so happens to be fear. Damn it.

I build up my courage and take Hiro's hand and say,"Come on! This is our first day of school, we can't be late." I turn around and see faint blush on his cheeks. "Are you really falling for me Hiro? I didn't think you would be the kind of guy to fall in love with his Meister, so cliche."

"Hey! I am not falling for you.... You can't hold my hand and expect me not to react! C'mon, let's go." He pulls me up and places me on his shoulders. "Don't pull my hair like last time, okay?" I pat his head, reassuring him that I won't. Silly Hiroshi.

As we get to the top, I see a boy with three white stripes on the side of his black hair, and two girls with....cowboy hats? Weird outfit choice girlies. He turned around and, oh shit. It's Kid. It wouldn't be fun to just tell him who I am up front, so I decided to have a little bit of fun.

"Oi! Fancy pants over there!" I said as he immediately noticed me,"Wanna fight?" I look at Hiro and saw that he look really confused,"Just go with it, okay? I want to see his skill level." Hiro nods, and turned into the gun-scythe. Kid's weapons turn into two identical pistols, which is actually quite fitting. He shoots twice, but I know exactly what to do. I block the shots with Hiro and charge. I take his handle and knock Kid off of his feet, then shoot him while he's in the air. Kid gets back up quickly and shoots again. I block his shots again and use Hiro to unarm him. I pull Kid closer with the blade of my scythe and whisper,"Give up yet?"

He nods slowly, so I let him go. Once I do that, he immediately sits on the floor in defeat. Hiro turns back into his human form and looks over Kid curiously. "How did he recover so quickly from our attacks? Most people are knocked out almost instantly," He inquires.

"That's Death the Kid, Unc-Lord Death's son. Extremely powerful for his age, so I'm not surprised our attacks didn't work as well compared to fights in the past." The twin pistols run back up to Kid, and help him back up.

Kid looked angry, and I didn't blame him. "Who are you? And how did you beat me?" His golden eyes flashed with red, and I realized he was upset I won.

I laughed. "My name is Kasuto Rin Toshibara, and this is my partner Hiroshi Katsuba. I'm surprised you don't remember me, Mr. Death." A wave of realization washed over him, and his eyes started watering up. Poor kid, was I too harsh on him? He ran towards me, and pulled me into a hug. A tight one at that.

"I can't believe you ran away from us. You jerk! I hate you I hate you I hate you. Never go again," he said through the sleeve of my leather jacket. I hugged him back and didn't let go. I missed him too.

"I'm sorry. I needed a weapon, and Death City just wasn't doing it. Expand my horizons, ya know?" He pulled away and looked at my hair confused.

"Why is your hair purple? I thought is was silver. What happened? DID YOU GO THROUGH A NUCLEAR BOMB SITE AND YOUR HAIR REACTED TO THE CHEMICALS IN THE AIR, TURNING IT PURPLE?" He yelled. I smirked at him and leaned on Hiro.

"You see kiddo, you can't have grey hair without looking older than you really are. It's not fun being called old hag when you're 14. Deal with it," I said while crossing my arms. I ruffled his hair and said,"Plus, aren't you bored of the same old style everyday? Change it up a bit! What about symmetry?" His eyes widened and he fell on the floor, crying about how he was asymmetrical trash. I forgot about that. Then I turned to the two girls behind him.

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