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I saw the whole gang running for us at full speed, with a look of worry plastered on their faces. Then Maka opened her mouth to speak.

"Kasuto! Hiroshi! Its Professor Stein!"


Kasuto's POV

Rhyme seemed extremely worried, so I told her to calm down. Of course none of us were a good example, but Id rather not have a girl I just met be worried about something for me. Plus, Im sure Professor Stein will be okay. Whatever situation hes in, im sure he'll be okay.

Oh boy was i wrong. You see, Professor Stein wasnt the person in trouble. Turns out Stein had gone a, well, mad. His eyes were twitching like crazy, and his glasses were hanging off of his face. His forehead was bleeding, probably from getting into a fight. His hair was crazier than usual, making him look the role of 'mad scientist.' He had a student held in a head lock (or whatever its called) with a knife held to his throat. Damnit! Professor Stein is crazy, and a the life of a student is held in our hands. I turned to the group, but none of them seemed willing to confront him. I guess its up to me to solve this. I steeped forward, and Hiro went with me. But I will not risk losing Hiro, so i gestured for him to stay back. I am aware hes capable of fighting, but thats not what i want. This a mental thing thats going on, not physical. Therefor, taking on the problem physically will not work.

"Hey Stein! Why are you acting this way? Whats up?" I casually exclaim. If i show any kind of fear, im screwed. He looks shocked at first, then he drops the student and slumps over. I motion for the boy to run away, and walk over to Stein. I put my hand on his shoulder, and he snaps his head up and gives me a cold glare. I slowly put my hand down, as emotionless as ever. Spending your whole life not shkwing any emotiom really pays off at times.

"Stein. Youve got to stop this. Tell me why youre acting this way. Now." I say a bit more sternly. I refuse to give up. He grips his knife and stands up.

"Oh Kasuto, youre acting so tough, but I know youre scared on the inside. Just give up already," he smoothly replies,"plus, I know about all of those emotions bottled up inside. Spill it, kid." He said kid harshly and through his teeth, making saliva fly everywhere. I just turn my head away in response, so he continues talking. "I know about your yearning for someone to care about you, about how much you wish you had met your family. I can help you, all I want is that girl." I squint at him, and see a tint of red in his eyes. And then i realise, thats not Stein talking. I notice the venom in his voice, and how much lower and raspier it sounds. This is a trick, and one that im not falling for. But, hes right anyways. I do want to know more about my family, and why my father left me.

"What do you want with Rhyme," I spat,"and what do you know about my family?" Blades sprout from the sides of my forearms, instead of my knuckles, and i hold them against his neck. He just chuckles, and starts to talk.

"Do you really think you cant defeat me child? I guess ill give in this time, but dont expect this kind of cooperation in the future. Are you sure you want to know who your father is?" He questions. Now that i think about it, this informatiom could tear me apart at the seams. But, this is what ive waited my whole life to learn, so im not giving up this chance.

"Yes, Stein," I spat.

"Ive decided that it would be much more fun to not tell you directly. So, I'll tell you this. Youve already met your father, but you are oblivious to the fact that you are related. He is a part of your everyday life, and has not realised this fully himself. But, alas, hes beginning to come to the conclusion that you, Kasuto, are his daughter. That is all, goodbye," he muttered those last words, and passed out. Thank god thats over, I was actually starting to get worried. Everyone else ran towards us, and checked to see if he was okay. I pushed to the front of the group to do the same, and turned him over so he is laying on his side. I picked up his glasses and repaired them with tape, then I checked his pulse. It seemed to be normal, so I dismissed everyone, telling them he would be fine. Of course, Rhyme and Hiro stayed.

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