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I'd like to say sorry in advance.

Kasuto's POV:

I had just gotten to school, and I already saw an extremely concerned Maka. "Hey, whats up? You okay?" I inquired. She was shaking, so I held her shoulder.

"There's another mission. Everyone is pretty shaken up by last time," she explained, and I saw Soul walk up behind her.

"Apparently he wants Rhyme, us, you, and Hiro to go. We don't have a choice," he reluctantly said.

"Rhyme doesn't even have a partner yet. She has never used her ability to turn into a weapon before either," I told them.

"Lord Death wants you to wield her for now," Maka sadly informed us. I turned to Hiro, looking for permission. He just nodded happily, and I sighed. I can use two weapons, right? I sure hope Rhyme is a weapon I know how to use.

"The mission is just outside Death City, about 2 miles east. Something is wiping out all of the livestock. Somebody died yesterday," Soul said. Werewolf maybe? He told me we have to walk, so we went to get Rhyme.

We saw her lurking near our class. "Rhyme! Uncle Death wants us to go on a mission. He wants you to come. Before we do, can you turn into a weapon real quick?" I asked. She nodded, and her calm features changed into a serious expression. We saw a bright light, and she was replaced with a medieval-looking sword. I grabbed it, and looked at is in wonder. So pretty.... I swung it around a few time, to get a feel of it. She changed back, with a grin on her face.

"Rhyme that is one fine weapon," I complemented. She blushed, and we headed outside. As we were walking to the town, I noticed that everyone seemed pretty stressed. With the exception of Rhyme.

"Is everyone okay?" He asked.

"Last time we went on a mission, Kasuto passed out. Turns out she was fine, but, everyone else was affected. We were terrified for our lives. Black*Star went crazy. It was horrible," Soul sadly explained. Rhyme just nodded, looking at her shoes. We arrived at the quiet town, and I heard a loud howl.

"You guys heard that right?" I asked, and the rest yelled out various forms of yes. We cautiously walked over to the sound, and saw what everyone was thinking. I covered Rhyme's mouth, making sure she didnt scream. Werewolf. Rhyme was about to change, but I held her wrist, telling jer to stop. Soul was in Maka's hands, and Hiro changed. Rhyme stepped back, and we tiptoed to the beast. It turned, looking at us. We froze, bu Rhyme ran. The animal followed her, hungry for blood.

"Follow them!" I yelled. We ran towards them, not knowing what eould happen next. I shot it, and it growled, yet it still had its eyes on Rhyme. I charged it, cutting off a foot, but it was now using its hands to run. It was slower, but still just as menacing. It finally turned to me, and knockd me off of my feet. Maka caught up, but I just signaled her to follow them. Hiro changed back, and tried to help me up. I fell back, feeling a sharp pain in my foot.

"Its broken. You will need to be the weapon for now," he ordered. I changed, and I was engulfed in darkness, but I could still see what was going on. Hiro was running, and we both heard a loud scream.

"Fuck!" We both screamed. When we got there, we both gasped. No no no. He threw me at the beast, copping off its hand. Maka chopped of another leg, so the animal was injured. Yet, it still was holding on. To what? Rhyme's foot. We chopped off its head, which lopped to the side. My heart was beating way too fast, and everyone was crying. Too close.

When we had just clamed down, I heard a rustling coming from the trees. We got on our feet, and Rhyme was a sword, so I signaled for Hiro to run away as far as possible. We cant have another incident. A woman came out of it, who looked pretty scared. Rhyme and Soul changed back, but blades sprouted from my elbows and knuckles. You can never be too careful.

"I'm no threat! Thanks for killing that wolf," she thanked, giggling. But something was off. She turned to Rhyme, and I noticed hair sprouting from her hands. Its another one. When we got to Rhyme, I sliced her side. She turned into a wolf, and in a fit of rage, threw Rhyme into a window. Maka killed her, and I ran over to where Rhyme landed. Fuck no no no no no. Please be alive.

"Rhyme!" I screamed, tears streaming down my eyes. I slammed the door open, and was greeted with a puddle of blood.

"Kasuto...." She started, coughing up blood. I noticed blood streaming down her neck.

"Rhyme! Stay with me, don't die!" I screamed. My voice was raspy and broken.

"Kasuto, don't have a funeral," she told me.

"Don't t-talk like that! YOURE GOING TO LIVE," I yelled, trying to stop the blood. She grabbed my hand, stopping me.

"Stop, it was bound to happen. Kasuto Toshibara I-" and she stopped.

"No no no!" I cried, checking her breathing. It stopped. I checked her pulse. Same thing. "Oh god! Shit!" Everyone ran in, including Hiro.

"Kasuto is she okay?" Hiro asked. I just screamed, drowning in my own tears. He took that as a no. They engulfed me in a hug. "Do you want a funer-"

"No." And that was all I said for the rest of the day. I have only known her for a few days. And now shes gone. Its all my fault. I shouldve told her to stay. To not turn into a weapon. And I failed

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