
69 2 1

I'm done I'm finish and finally I'm free from the work pile. Today I'm going to meet her I took the rings I'm going to propose her to, wearing something formal I went back to our highschool park where we last meet. Going there I was 5 minutes early as usual waiting for her, freshmen were there and seniors too. They paid me no mind since I'm just under the magnolia tree waiting. I kept my hair short not letting it grow long since its a headache to take care of it. Some girls are already attracted to me while I just ignore. Rena came after that in the necklace I gave her and wearing a white dress with lime highlight at the bottom.

She stared at me while putting up a warm smile on her face. Somehow she's giving me some distance and I didn't like it, people started to look at us. I ignored it while marching up to her while giving her a hug a really tight one. She tense for a while but then she gave it in and hug me back. I'm guessing now people are staring because I can feel a lot of people now, I let go of the hug while pulling the ring out while kneeling down with one leg. She gasp while whispering

"Hurry up and stand up Raven you're making a scene...."

I didn't stand up instead I clear my throat.

"After all these years, I've love you. We've been through a lot together facing many many things. You've been with me for 6 years and you're still there for me. I'll give you freedom, I'll give you hope, I'll give you a place call home, I won't let you be lonely, I'll love you till death tear us apart and then I'll still love you the next lifetime. Rena, in the name of your lover and the new leader of the Black Crow, will you marry me?" I said while slightly blushing.

She was covering her lower face, her eyes about to cry she was gasping and laughing while nodding her head. She lower herself down while tears are dripping on her face I stood up with her while emplace the matching ring that I bought. I kiss her lightly while embracing her. After a few seconds like this I let go of her while smiling. Before I knew it everyone was clapping and whooping. I scratch my head while nervously smiling at them. I hold Rena's hand as we went out of there.

"Wait... Where are we going???" She said while laughing.

"To apply the marriage of course. I want to see you in that white gown soon enough!" I said while smiling.

We applied our marriage at Cobo service and after a month I can officially make her my wife. She started to stay with me I mean move to my place. She adapted it so well and fast but I know that she wants her old place instead of here so I let her go back. Her mother seems to be really gloomy. I visited her house in that month and somehow her mother mood has been better bit by bit. For the past week she didn't gave any emotions but after the 2nd week she started to smile just a bit. And then after that month she has very few emotions on her face but at least she changed.

Rena was at the isle already in a complete different dress and place. She was smiling happily and being congratulate by the people she knew. And if you're wondering, yes I'm late for her wedding because of some idiot star was later but anyway, she saw me coming as she slightly wave her hand while holding a bouquet of roses. The priest was still saying till halfway when Rena voice broke out.

"Umm I'm really sorry but could you shorten your sentence...."

"Why Miss Rena?"

"Everyone is going to fall asleep already...." She said while pointing. Everyone was already trying hard to nor fall asleep and Elsword is already asleep and slightly drooling I quickly sat beside him while pinching his arm.

"Wha.....umm five more minutes...... Buaa! Aisha when did you come here?!" He almost shouted when I cover his mouth with tissue I brought.

Everyone woke up instantly and laugh because of Elsword shouting. Raven was trying not to laugh but in the end he giggled just a bit while biting his lip. The priest clear his throat as the place became silent.

"Will you Raven take Miss Eryuell as your beloved wife?"

"I do." He said while Rena insert the ring into his finger.

"And Miss Eryuell, do you take Raven as your beloved husband?"

"I do and call me Rena next time." As Raven insert her ring onto her finger.

"I will take note of that and I'll now propose you two husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." He said as Raven kiss Rena lightly on the lips as we both cheered. After that we have our buffet lunch outside while Rena is going to throw her roses in the air. Many girls were there wanting to catch it while I'm still chatting with the El gang. I paid the bouquet no mind but when I was about to hold my mini sized dimension her roses came and land on my hands. I blush madly while looking at Elsword who is still so dense.

The Grand Master bump at my shoulder while winking and laughing.

"Looks like someone is gonna marry soon." She said while I blush redder. The others were laughing but Elsword have a tint pink on his face and he ran away. I don't know I should be the one running though....

I was sitting beside her eating happily ignoring everyone else. I just know one thing which is she's my wife now, I can protect her fully. We can be together without people judging, our country can unite and then we can finally make peace from those grudges. I hold her hand with my Nasod arm and trying not to scratch her. She smiled at me while giving me a kiss at the cheek.

After that she started to live with me while handling the trading market between our two country. It was going better than we expected, after that the new rules came in and the people started to change after 2 years of adapting. I was with her the whole time and then we went to help more people as the country becomes more lively.

One day Rena suddenly became tired. She collapsed while I send her to the hospital not knowing the news that the doctor said.

"She's pregnant for 3 months. Take care of her and let her have lots of rest. She can leave after a week." He said as he left. I hug her tight while grateful for what happened. After that she born out twins one was a baby girl and the other was a baby boy.

The girl has back hair green eyes she was like her mother kind as ever. The boy has yellow hair and having one small hint of copper red at the bangs. His has golden eyes like mine with a slight darker skin than his sister.


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