Chapter 7 Rain

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Well looks like my story is kinda unpopular..... Well I'm not caring so IDC I love it.

The rain poured just right after school as everyone without an umbrella ran while others walked. I looked out the window it reminded me the day that Seris left. I pack my bag and I left the empty classroom. Checking into my locker I saw some students left at the hallway. The girls wave their hands as I ignored them. Going to the hall I saw Aisha hurriedly went to the elevator as she went inside and go up. I went outside seeing Rena waiting for someone while looking at her watch nonstop. "Waiting for who in such a late timing?" I asked. She never look into my gaze and look at the side and said "Louise and Aisha. Well either one of them." She said as I shook my head. "Aisha is in her council business and Louise..... Better not wait for him. "I said as she ignored. Stubbornly still standing while looking in front. I pinch her cheeks with my hands as it turned pink.

She glared at me and then turn away shouted "Let me go Raven! I'm not one of your toys to play with." I let go and turn away with people staring at us. "I'll tell you one thing: he will never come to you. But then you could always walk with me instead of him" I said coldly and chuckled as I walk outside with an umbrella. She stand for a while and slowly come forward to me as she gave me a hard slap on the face "Never say anything bad about Louise AGAIN!" She shouted as she turn and ran towards the rain. People starred at me the girls came towards me talking gossips about Rena and Louise. "That bitch should just stay away from you right Raven. She could never understand what you did for her nor appreciate it but we do Raven so you can hangout at our place tonight." One of the girls said as I gave her a cold death glare. She shivered in fear as they step behind giving me way to go.

Going past the South dormitory I saw Rena sitting under the tree beaten up a little and hugging herself tight. I continued walking straight until I heard a tump sound. Turning behind I saw her unconscious on the ground. I ran to her direction and carry her on a piggy back ride. As I went to the West dormitory. 'Sheesh she's soaking wet and she's having high fever. Great just great. How am I gonna slip through this?'I thought as I went into the lobby and up to my apartment floor. "Whoa picking up a drunken chick from the rain huh. What a lucky guy. *whistles* that's some beauty chick alright." Tommi said as I quickly shot a death glare as I push my door open and put her down on the floor. I open her bag as I dialed Lime's and phone number.
"Hello is Lime here?" "Who are you and how you got my number?" "Raven here. Your sister is sick and I use her phone to dial." "OK wait a bit I'll come to your place ASAP." "Should I call Amelia?" "Oh nononono never call her I swear you can't see Rena the next time." Lime said as she hung up.

After a few minutes she came up with a big bag. Lowe who was beside just came in to chat. "So what's with the big bag?" I asked "Beats me but you better not stick to Rena that much. I think she hate you more than Lime eating that junk food you gave her." He said as Lime signal us to go out and push us out leaving we outside. "What the hell. This even isn't her house." I said as Lowe hold me down shaking his head. Lime came out after like 20 minutes. "She's staying with you cuz I'm sharing my apartment with this idiot here and another girl so my hands are full. Good luck to even let her gaze on you."she said as she left her bag and Rena on the sofa.

Her clothes were changed by Lime. From a school uniform into a light blue plain dress with unconnected long frilly sleeves. She muffled some noises as I did half of my notes on my desk. I went to check on her as she kept repeating the words Louise in her sleep. I got pissed as I went to study and train. 'Why am I even angry about this anyway' I thought. I went to check on her again seeing her sleeping making me remember how Seris sleeping looks like. Unnoticeably I touch her soft face then her hair and finally her long ears. She shook a bit as I back up a bit. My heart skip beat when I look at her face. 'Since when she has this sexy slender body and this beautiful face' I thought and didn't notice how close was my face to hers. I slightly blush as my heart beat faster I fell down on the floor as I backed up. 'Shit. It can't be that I fall for this Elf. I can't love her cuz I only love Seris."Yes you can since you could use her and rule the whole land. Use her feelings isn't what you're good at?" The bad side of me said as the other side object back "Don't do it! She's too fragile to get used. Plus isn't your heart saying that you love her?" "Oh ya? Isn't the Lord sent you here to get information and kill her race? Didn't you swore on your brother's death that you'll kill them with your own two hands? Didn't you said to Seris that revenge is sweet its even sweeter than peace?" It said as I nodded "then use her you maggot. Tools must be used for the greater good of a kind and since you have it why not use it!" I agreed with it as it told me to take the Weapon Taker road at the summer solstice where people who are 16 like me and the others get to pick the job class for defending the demon wars or for nations wars.

I snap back when Rena woke up. "Where am I ....."she muttered as she look around. She glare at me when she saw her clothing. Blushing while holding herself she threw a pillow to me as I dodge it. Telling her the while thing that happened to her she became more gloomy. "Guess it can't be help since my key card is with Aisha. So then .... Don't mind a girl in your house right?" She said while slightly blushing I shook my head. "Make yourself at home. I'm not going to kill you so easily since the higher ups called me not too. But if you do anything wrong here, you're gonna get a punishment no matter what. And you can't tell nor complaind" I said. She nodded and went to the fridge. Searching the whole fridge she sight as she went out with her purse I followed her from behind as she bought fresh food from the supermarket. Coming back to the apartment she asked me to teach her about explosive as I sat beside her and taught her.

"For this you must add A and C then 37=240/360*2*π*j then...."she kept on teaching me back math. At 6 she went back to the kitchen as I took a shower. I came out with my not-so-loose-jeans half naked while wiping my hair with a towel. Rena came out holding two plates of food as she set it on the table she didn't notice me while she went back in. Peeking what she made was a salad and another is cheeze bake rice. She came out with a pot as she nearly spilled it when she saw me sitting on a chair. She put it down and covered her face. "Sheesh would it kill you to put a shirt on and tighten your belt?" She ask "Yup it'll kill me cuz I feel so hot." I said as I loosen the belt more. I could see her face is more redder than ever. I stood up putting a surrender post "Fine I'm just kidding with you just wait a bit." I said as I put a shirt on and tighten my belt in my room. Coming out I sat at the opposite of her while she ate her salad.

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