Part 3

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Later that day......

I met up with Katrina for drinks at Wet Willies. She had flew in town with her husband Chris for bike week. Katrina was the only one that knew what happened between me and Zoo. My family knew that I was alive and well,but they didn't care to be active in my life. When me and Zoo got together I became a rebellious child ,causing my family to disown me. My father demised Zoo. He always use to say "that boy there is going to get you in a would of trouble". My parents knew about Zoo's family. Back in the day my father was Zoo' s father driver until one day Mr.Antonio instructed him to pick someone up from one of his night clubs. When my father got there , two of the body guards that worked there were carrying a beaten badly guy out of the club towards the car. They placed the man in the back seat and instructed my father to take him back to Mr.Antonio' s spot. The entire ride there, the beaten man pleaded with my father to take him elsewhere or he was a dead man. The way the man spoke made my father fear for his life ,so he did as he was told and delivered the man right onto Mr. Antonio's door step.
After that night my father quit being Mr. Antonio's driver and never came back.

I stared at my watch waiting for Katrina to arrive.

"Damn this trick can never be on time." I mumbled to myself.

"You ready to order mam?". The male bartender asked.

" Yes I'll take Jack honey and coke please" I said while checking my phone.

" Jack honey and coke"! " I like you already he said while grinning.

I looked at him and just shook my head while laughing.

"Did I keep you waiting long"? The familiar voice called out.

I looked up and begin smiling ear to ear.

"Trick I was about to get my drink and be out." I said while giving Katrina a hug.

"Yeah whatever you wasn't going no where. She said while laughing

She ordered her drink and we began chatting it up.

"So what's up girl you been alright"? She said looking serious.

I took a long sip of my drink and began to tell her about the dreams that I had been having. When I finished, she looked at me and said. "Girl those were not just dreams you were having." Those were signs.
"You know I'm a strong believer in signs.

I busted out into laughter trying to cover up the fact that she could have been right.

"Girl shut yo Ms. Cleo ass up"." You know I'm a strong believer in signs face ass." I said while laughing.

"Ava I'm serious". She said.

Trying to change the subject I began to ask her about Chris and the kids.

"So how are my God babies" I said.

"Honey the twins are spoiled as hell."! "Chris give they ass any and everything they want".
"Devon had his fifth grade prom last week girl"."
Girl tell me why I had to get in his ass for trying to sneak some little chicken head in my house. "Girl these kids are getting grown. "I busted in his room girl, and the damn girl was laying in his bed. "I sent her home and whipped Devon ass."!

I held my chest laughing at how serious she was.

Katrina got pregnant with Devon our junior year in school. I can remember her wobbling down the halls with her umbrella in her hand coming straight for Chris getting ready to lay his ass out. Me and Zoo would just watch from a far laughing our ass off. Katrina didn't want her kid's to grow up too fast like she did. She was a tough mom but in a good way. Her and Chris had been through some tough shit but she beat that man until he finally got some act right in him.

"Girl let's take some shots"! Katrina yelled out interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes let's do it girl! I said while slapping her a high-five!

We ordered our shots held them up in the air and began to do the chant that we learned from watching my aunt Shondra and Brandy drink back in the day.

"Up to it! "Down to it!" "Fuck those who don't do it!" " We do it cause we true to it"! "Let's get fucked up!

We threw the shot down our throats and slapped each other another high-five.

"So how's Malik"? Katrina said while clearing her throat.

"Malik is Malik honey". "Always looking for ways to better hisself. I said in a low tone.

"You don't sound to happy over there". Katrina said looking worried.

I let out a sigh and began to let it out.

"Malik is a great hard working man". "He has been taking care of all of the financial things ever since my tutoring business went under.
"Everything use to be great when I was never at home doing my own thing." "Now that I'm at home almost every damn day I'm starting to feel like Molly the maid up in that bitch." "Girl I'm so messed up that I found myself scrubbing the damn walls.

Katrina busted into laughter holding her chest.

"Not the damn walls girl" she said still laughing."

"Girl yes"! But forreal girl Malik was promoted to lead detective to work on some damn case that keeps him out late hours and up early mornings. "It has to be something serious because his boss demanded that nobody talks about the case to their spouses.

"I still can't believe your ass fell in love with the po po!!" Katrina said looking serious. "Girl he out here searching for bad guys when he got a ex crook sleeping right under his damn nose". "It's like sleeping with the enemy around that bad boy! She said while holding her stomach crying with laughter.

I gave her a hard stare down.

"Ha ha ha" real funny bitch! I said looking serious.

"Girl you know I'm just kidding I know none of that had nothing to do with you." "You to damn scary anyway". "Speaking of scary you remember that time we got caught stealing out of Walmart"? She said.

"You mean you was stealing"! Your ass was trying to steal the whole Walmart and then when your bag got full you snuck a blouse in my bag without me knowing." I said laughing.

"Girl I still feel bad for doing that".
"The police had us in that backroom and you were crying like hell. Snot was running down your face and all. Katrina said.

"Yep and I got the worst ass whipping ever that night." "If you wasn't the only friend I had I would have kick your ass to the curb". I said.

Still laughing at all of our memories Katrina's phone went off. I'm guessing it was Chris by the way she answered the phone.

She hung up the phone and looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Ok girl. "Chris wants me to meet up with him for some damn bike show."

"Ok girl "! I said.

We got up, gave each other a hug and said our goodbye's.

As I was walking out of the bar I saw a black car with tinted windows parked at the end of the street. I got in my car reached under the seat to feel for the .22 Malik gave me for Christmas.

I pulled out of Wet Willie's parking lot and drove slowly to the light. I looked in my rear view mirror and notice the black car lights come on and pull out behind me.

Still sitting at the light I starred in my rear view mirror to see if I could make out who was driving the car behind me. The light turn green and I pulled off as fast as I could. I looked back to see if the car was still behind me. To my surprise the car was actually right on my tail. I began to panic. I made a quick turn on a backstreet and the car followed. Now back on the main street we were about to approach another traffic light. I pressed my foot down on the pedal so I could make the light before it turned red. The light ahead of us turned yellow and I was going to fly right through it. All of a sudden a cop car approach the light across from me and I slammed down on my breaks causing the car to come to a screeching halt. I sat there at the light trembling in fear. Once it turned green the car that was following me drove off in the opposite direction. I made it home safe, but I wondered if I was just being paranoid or was there someone really following me.

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