Part 18

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Zoo definitely tore me up this morning I said to myself as I stood in the kitchen to get ready to cook him breakfast. Our kitchen was nicely decorated by one of the best Interior designers on the west coast, in fact our entire home was designed to fit a king and a queen. We lived in a five bedroom house right on the shore line of Laguna Beach. We were so young living the good life. All our neighbors were so nosey, I guess they hated to see young people doing their thang.
I cracked a few eggs inside of the pan, and laid a few pieces of bacon into another. As soon as I was about to grab another pot out of the dish rack to make the grits in, I felt Zoo come up behind me.
"Boy didn't you have enough"?I said to him laughing.
"Nah, give me some more of this good stuff, he replied while smacking me on my ass.
"Go somewhere". "I'm trying to make us breakfast so we can get this day started.
"Umm...don't worry about it."I'll get it later",he said while slapping my ass again before he sat down at the bar that we had built in the middle of the kitchen.
As I stirred the grits, Zoo's phone went off. He answered it, and then went out onto the balcony, shutting the door behind him. I was kind of confused because he never did anything around me that I didn't know about. I knew about everything, from missions, shippings, and cash that flowed in and out. Zoo's father nearly gave us a quarter of his business. All we had to do was keep the business with the Columbians tight, and that's exactly what we did.
Shit, Zoo and Mr. Corleone, the head of the Columbian Cartel were close as ever. He confided in Zoo for nearly everything. Each time we flew in, he allowed us to stay in his home. He treated us like family. He'd even allow us to accompany him at popular events that took place. We would find ourself at Rugby and soccer games, bidding on players for shit loads of cash. Half the time Zoo lost, but because Mr. Corleone admired Zoo's loyalty, he always gave Zoo a chance to win it all back.
After standing there for about ten minutes, I finally decided I needed to know what the hell was going on.
"Zoo you alright baby." I ask as I peeked my head out of the sliding door.
"Yeah I'm good baby", he replied as he stood there staring off into the hills
"You sure?", I asked as I walked over to him.
He didn't say a word just continued looking off into the hills.
I begin caressing the back of his neck because I could tell by the way he was rubbing his hands together that something was wrong with him.
"I'll be inside I said as I kissed him on his lips, then went back inside to fix our plates.

Later that evening....

As I sat in our living room watching tv, my mind began to race with thoughts of where Zoo could be. He had been gone all day, shit just didn't feel right at all. He had never done a drop without me, I thought to myself. I turned up the glass of wine and chugged it down to the last drop. "Where the fuck cold he be", I whispered to myself.
Maybe an hour later, I heard him putting his keys in the door. I jumped up running towards him almost tripping over the cashmere rug that sat in our leaving room floor.
"Zoo where have you been", I shouted.
"Calm Down Ava I'm alright," he replied looking like he was extremely frustrated.
"What the fuck do you mean Zoo!" "You have never done anything like this". Please tell me what's going on!" Is it your father?" "Is he up to something?"
"I don't know,"! He shouted
" what is it?" I asked still shouting this time closer in his face.
He looked at me, then snatched me by my arm, forcing me to follow him to the couch.
"Sit down he instructed.
I sat down on the couch with my legs shaking because I was so anxious, nervous, all of the above to hear what was about to come out of his mouth.
He placed his hand on my knee, forcing me to be still, then took a deep breath.
"Ava I need to let you know something that I should have let you know a long time ago."
"I'm listening", I said, still worried.
"I got a call from my mom today"
My face began changing colors....."what do you mean Zoo"? I question.
"She's been living in Greece for the last two years he replied.
A big smile came across my face. I knew that Zoo had been wanting to know the where about's of his mother for a long time, and just hearing that he finally found her made me extremely happy. For so long I thought maybe she was dead, but Zoo never lost hope. I stood up with my hands held up, celebrating, but Zoo just sat there.
"Aren't you excited baby,  I question with a look of confusion on my face. "Isn't this what you've been waiting for?"
Letting out another deep breath again. He begin rubbing his head.
"I knew where she's been all along Ava,"he replied.
"What?" I said as I sat back down next to him to hear what ever the hell else he'd been knew.
"I've been wiring my ma money".
I looked at him still trying to process where he was going with this.
"Before my ma left she wrote me a letter, revealing some crazy shit about my father.  She explained that she never knew exactly what my father was doing, but was very eager to find out for the sake of our safety". "She said that word around town was that my father had this underground cartel going on, and that he was named the number one suspect. She told me that she would be staying in a safe house, and to make sure I kept you safe because my father knew that you witnessed him kill someone. That man that was killed , worked for my father at the green house. Turned out that he also worked with the Feds." "Still to this day they haven't found his body, but they knew for sure that the cartel had something to do with it".
I sat there absorbing everything that Zoo was saying. To me it didn't surprise me that he said his father was this crazy ass man, shit we both knew that first hand. So I sat there waiting for him to get to the root of the story.
"Anyway, each time we got our cut I would wire my ma money to Greece." "That call that I got yesterday was from my outside connect". "He told me that someone shot at him while he was in route to get to the drop off point." "He thinks my father may know what was going on."  "Ava, I think it may be time for me to pull out of this shit". "I thought that by keeping close to my father would take us from under his attack, but I realized that he will not stop until he see's my mothers blood shed."  "I can't go out like that"! He yelled out. He stood up,pacing back and forth, rubbing his head. He wanted out.
"Grab all of the cash from the safe and pack your bags." He said to me. Looking at him I saw his soul fill with rage, his demeanor told me that he just didn't give a fuck anymore. He was going to do whatever it took. For a split seconded, he had became his father.

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