Part 8

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"Antonio I want out." " I've witness to much that I can no longer bare." Frank said.

"Frank my man, sooo your giving up on me." "No! Its not that easy". He hissed.
"Do you not know who am?!" He yelled in the telephone. "You owe me!" Did you think that you could just up and leave without me knowing". I'm the muthafuckin kingpin baby". I run these streets." "If it wasn't for me, you or your family wouldn't eat."

"My brother I'm more then grateful for you helping me." "I have a family that needs me more then ever and I can't be out here risking my life". "My wife is getting ready to have my baby girl and I want to be around to see her grow up." He pleaded.

"I'm a cold man Frank and as cold as I am, I love my wife and kids to death. "My wife is having my first son in a few months." "She's the only reason why I'm sympathizing with you as we speak." Antonio spoke softly.
"You're a decent man." "You have been 100% loyal from day one!" "I just need one more favor and you are free to walk only under "My" terms. He barked.

Frank knew that it was nothing nice, it never was whenever Antonio asked for a favor. Frank sat on the phone silently as he waited for Antonio to deliver his proposal.

"Alright Franky meet me at the spot at 11pm sharp"...... "Click"

It was already a quarter to 10. Frank hung up the phone; jumped in the shower, got dressed, grabbed his gun, said a prayer then kissed his wife and kids goodnight.
The spot was way across town, so leaving a hour early was guaranteed to get him there on time. Frank hopped into his Coupe DeVille and pulled off. He was afraid because he knew that he had betrayed Antonio for trying to secretly get out. He was Antonio's driver, but as the years went by; Frank became more then just his driver. He would be forced to get rid of dirty gun's , and deliver packages. Some packages were drug's and other packages were people that tried to cross Antonio. He just didn't want to be apart of that lifestyle any more. Frank pulled up to the small mansion that only a few people Antonio could trust knew about. Any and everything that needed to be kept a secret happened here. He entered trying to remain calm.......but that was hard to do.

" I see you made it on time." One of the guards said while laughing but Frank didn't crack a a smile.

"Where's Antonio". Frank said.

"He'll be ready for you in just a few minutes". The guard replied.

Frank sat down outside his office patiently. He could hear Antonio talking to someone.

" Alberto where is my money". Antonio shouted.

"I told you sir what happened". "I went to Columbia with the package, got the profit from it and as I was on my way back to the states,I noticed that there were police men following me through the airport. "So I ditched the cash inside of the bathroom air conditioning vent." "I then checked inside of a near by hotel to lay low a bit." "The next day I went back and it was gone." "Please you have to believe me sir." "I would never betray you." "Please don't kill me Mr.Antonio". He pleaded.

"Oh I'm not going to kill you Alberto". He said laughing

I sat there listening. I was relieved that he wast going to kill the kid. I thought to myself. All of a sudden, Antonio's office door flung open.

"Franky you made it." He said smiling. "Are you ready to do me a favor". "Your family is going to be soo excited to have you home every night." He said this time laughing harder.

Frank didnt say a word he just followed Antonio back into the room where he was just talking to the hispanic boy.

"Alberto I told you I wouldn't kill you", but he will"! Antonio said .
Frank looked around to see who else was in the room, but it was only the three of them.

"Who will". Frank said nervously.

"You will Franky". Antonio said with the look of the devil himself in his eyes.
"You see Franky and Alberto....."You motherfuckers think that you can do whatever you want without my say so." "Tonight the both of you will pay! He shouted.

Frank searched around the room with his eyes. He didn't want to kill this man, but it was no turning back.

Antonio motioned for Frank to take his gun out and end Alberto's life and then walked out of the room.
Frank froze with terror in his heart. He had never killed anyone before. I can't believe this shit. He thought to himself.

"You want out Franky!?" Here's your chance . Antonio yelled out through the office door.

Frank walked towards the Hispanic guy shaking.

"Please no! The Hispanic guy screamed.

The way the Hispanic man pleaded for his life made Frank's heart hurt. Frank wasn't no chump, he just couldn't stand to kill a man who did nothing to him, but he knew if he didn't pull the trigger Antonio would kill them both.

Frank lifted the small .22 handgun. He closed his eyes and squeezed. The .22 let off one shot that pierce the man right in the chest. The impact of the bullet knocked the man into an old antique book shelf. Frank opened his eyes to something he would never forget. He slowly walked towards the man to see if he was still alive. The man was slumped over holding his chest gasping for air.
Frank kneeled down and grabbed the man's hand. "Please forgive me father God". He cried out. The man gripped his hand tight. It felt like he was was trying to tell Frank something. Frank wiped his tears away and looked into the mans eyes.
"Corlione"...... the Hispanic man whispered
"Corlione"......"my father"......tell him......
The mans grip begin to loosen, then his breathing slowed down......he was gone.

Antonio walked back into the room just a few minutes later.
"So how does it feel Franky." He said laughing. "The motherfucker thought that his father could do business with my enemies and I wouldn't find out". He shouted.

The guard entered the room.

"Thank you for getting my fucking money back Paco". "At lease I have one loyal motherfucker around here".He said while pouring him a shot of rum.

"He really thought the police were following him". Paco said while laughing.

Frank sat there in disgust. This was only an act of revenge. He thought to himself.

From that day Frank became a changed man. Him and his family settled into a bigger home where his wife gave birth to his first baby girl. He named her Ava Marie Adams and he vowed to always protect her. He wanted to move his family out of town but Antonio made it clear that if he was to ever try to leave ,he would murder his family while he watched.

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