Part 17

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2 years later....
Ughhhhh.... I love you Zoo I screamed out as he went in and out of my watering pussy. I had my legs wrapped around his muscular body, enjoying the view of our bodies reflecting in the mirror the was mounted to the ceiling as we made love.
"I know you do girl" he viscously whispered in my ear. His kisses  to my neck sent me over the moon. He was locked in tight and wasn't letting me go anywhere. My screams began to grow louder as he long stroked slowly. "You like that baby " he asked still in rhythm. "Yes I dooooo" I moaned.
"Then watch it in go in and out ". He replied.
I did as I was told. My body began to shake as I watch Zoo's thick black dick moving in and out of me.
"Oh shit" I said with my eyes rolling to the back of me head.
"Don't stop looking he replied.
I looked down at the sight of magic, it amazed me how it disappeared inside of me. "Look at you he  said referring to the cream that was now built up on the shaft of his dick.
I began biting my bottom lip. This boy always knew what to do to me. Me and Zoo started having sex about 5 months ago on my 18 birthday. We were on our way to the airport to fly out to Columbia to meet up with one of Mr.Antonio's connections. I hand to desperately pee so I hurried to the bathroom leaving Zoo half asleep in the waiting area. I guess Zoo must've finally realized that I was gone cause when I came out of the bathroom I saw him pacing back and forth.
"What's wrong I asked as I approached him?.
"Ava, where were you he said with the most worried look on his face."
" I...I just went to the bathroom". Are you ok?" I replied.
"Yes, please don't ever do that again". He said while grabbing me to come closers to him.
"Why you do that baby he whispered in my ear?"
"I'm sorry, I apologized still trying to understand why he seemed so bothered.,
We both sat down as we tried to get comfortable again. Our flight had been delayed for almost 2hours.

"Ava, I'm Kinda embarrassed to say that I was afraid that something crazy happened to you. Zoo said as he turned to face me.

"What do you mean" I replied with a slight smile on my face.

"Do you ever feel like some shit is going to happen? He questioned.

"No, I replied. "I guess I never really thought about it."

"Well, I do all the time and I think that once we stack enough cash, im going to start my own clothing line and get you that tutoring building you want. He said starring into my eyes. "Anyway enough of this serious talk, give me a kiss",he said as he leant over to kiss me.

Zoo had a way of making me feel safe. I guess that was the reason why I never worried about the consequences that came along with living this life style. He always put the weight all on his shoulders. That's why I loved him. He played his position and I played mines.

I leaned over Zoo to reach for my carry-on that sat in the other seat next to him with my breast halfway exposed. I caught him starring out of the corner of my eye. Just what I needed him to do ,I thought to myself. I grab the small blanket out of my bag, zipped it back up, then spreaded it over the both of us. He looked at my like he wondered why I did that. Then, just as he was about to take the cover off he felt my hand reaching for his belt buckle.

"What you doing". he moaned..

"I think I'm ready" I replied looking so seductive that you would've swore I was already a veteran.

"You sure he said". looking surprised.

"ARE YOU SURE"? I shot back.

Zoo began to smile like a little kid in a candy store.

I continued to funnel with his belt,until eventually I was able to get it unfastened. Out of the two and a half years we dated, this would be the first time I actually touched him like this. I mean yeah, I felt it when he stood in back of me with his dick pressed up against my ass, but never have a ever felt it in my hands. I gently slid my hand into his briefs, trying not to get my hands caught  in his pubic hair. Finally a thick, warm, smooth, snake met my hand at attention. I looked at him, as to say boyyyyy you got a big dick with my eyes, but he was already leaning back with his eyes closed like he was resting peacefully in heaven so, I didn't interrupt. I, myself, to was getting a little in the mood. So I grab his hand with my free hand and slid it in between my thighs. That for sure got his attention. He came out of his comma, looking at me in total shock.

"Go ahead I whispered. He did as he was told, but before making his way into my panties, he gently rub around my lips. I instantly became gushing wet.  I looked around the waiting room to see if anyone was looking, but everyone was either napping or into their phones. He caught me off guard when he slipped his hands inside. I let out a soft moan as I joined him in heaven.  I sedutivly slipped my hands  inside of my mouth, then grabbed his fingers out of my pussy to put them in his mouth so he could taste me. I didn't know where that had come from ,but oh boy was I enjoying every bit of it.
"Damn girl you freaky he whispered.
"Yes, for you. I replied softly.
The way I held myself together made him grow more erect.
"Oh shit he said squirming as I held on to the shaft of his dick.
I though I'd be bold, so I looked around the room again to make sure the coast was clear. While everybody in the room sat occupied I lifted up my tight fitted pencil squirt, slipped my panties down my legs, then sat down in his lap. Not ready yet to let him enter, I grind on his dick seductively while making sure the tip slid across the opening of my throbbing pussy. He placed his hands on my wide hips pressing me down on his dick, as a sign that he was craving to enter. Still grinding more I decided I would tease him for a little bit longer. As soon as I was about to slide down on it the intercom called for all of the passengers to head over towards the gate. When we landed in Columbia I sexed him sooo good that he questioned if I was ever a virgin.

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