A Slightly Exposed Secret

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I didn't want Elijah to steal away into the early morning. I reached my arms out to him as he fixed his outfit and turned around to smile at me. He bent down to plant a goodbye kiss on my lips, and I kissed him deeper, grabbing his neck to pull him closer. I had no desire to let him leave, and he knew that as he broke free. "See you soon," he whispered, kissing me once more before disappearing to the makeup trailer.

I almost pleaded for him to stay, but refrained from doing so. I couldn't have everything that I wanted, and I wanted Elijah more than anything else in the world. I looked at the discombobulated bed and my eyes fell upon the tear on my shirt. Somehow the sleeve had torn during our encounter, and I didn't notice it at all. I was too in the moment to realize a tiny rip. I blushed in the empty trailer in front of nobody and looked out the window, wishing that Elijah could hold me again. I touched the empty spot on the bed where Elijah had laid beside me, and thought of him. His thoughtful blue eyes, his smile, his soft lips, his rough, yet gentle hands.

I finally got out of bed, even though I wanted to stay near Elijah's warmth for as long as possible. I quickly changed my shirt and threw it in the trash. It was no use to me now, except for harvesting memories. However, I did not need a worn t-shirt to stir the sweet memories I had obtained from the night before. I already had everything I needed to remember fresh in my head. I left the trailer in a jovial mood, not hanging back to see if Miranda was awake yet. It didn't really matter anyway, for she didn't have any scenes to shoot today.

The chirpping birds seemed to match my upbeat mood, and I hummed to myself as I approached the trailer. I had to just make sure that no one could figure out why I was extra peppy today. That would take a lot of effort to act most of my day without a camera, but I didn't mind. I'd do anything for Elijah.

When I stepped inside the trailer, nobody was there except for Elijah, whose blue eyes were grinning at me in delight. "Where's the others?" I asked him, grinning back at him as I came closer. He stood up and reached out for my waist, immediately pulling me closer. I giggled and grabbed his face, our foreheads touching. In a great mood he kissed me, and I threw my arms around his neck. "Elijah..." I whispered as I let go, "where are they?"

"Amanda went for breakfast," he muttered, his thumbs rubbing my waist while he kissed my neck. I giggled at his tickling touch and told him to stop before somebody saw us. A sudden rush of footsteps came closer to the trailer and alarmed, we hurridely pulled apart and sat in our chairs. In came the other Hobbits, panting wildly as they looked back and forth at me and Elijah.

"Where's Amanda," Billy asked, raising a suspicious eyebrow, "and why are you guys here so early."

"Went to get breakfast," answered Elijah, fiddling with the button I had unbuttoned the night before.

"'Cause I'm excited for your drunk tree scene today," I told them. It was going to be fun and hilarious to see Dominic and Billy act like their normal drunk selves while hanging on a fake tree. It was a good thing that Elijah, Sean, and I weren't going to be in any morning scene at all, so we could relax and enjoy the show.

After a tense morning in the makeup trailer, I went back to hang out with Miranda in my own. She was preparing to leave for town, to get some more groceries for us. We made up a small rule for the months she was here that when one or both of us had an off day, they would go do errands in town. I smiled as she left with her purse, and laid down on the bed where Elijah had been the night before. I had realized that Elijah and I barely had any sleep, and the space where I was still contained the warmth and pine-wood smell of Elijah. Maybe it was okay to take a small nap, they weren't filming that scene for a couple hours anyway.

Just as I was about to drift off to sleep, someone burst into the trailer. I kept my tired eyes closed and let that person notice me sleeping so that they could leave me in peace. Quite the contrary happened, for that person climbed into bed beside me. I rolled over to my side and so did the person, whose arms were wrapped around my waist and cradling my belly. I immediately could tell that it was Elijah by the touch, but decided to keep my eyes closed.

"What are you doing here?"

He started kissing my ear and I giggled at the other tickle as his thumbs rubbed my belly. "Sean kicked me out," he whispered, "he's talking to his family." He kissed my neck and tightened his grip.

"So I guess it's okay to stay here," I grinned, biting my lip even though he couldn't see me, "I just about to take a nap, you know."

His soft lips met my cheek. "Okay," he replied, "so let's take a small nap. We have some time." I let him kiss my ear again and drifted off to sleep, comforted by Elijah's presence in the empty trailer.


Someone was shaking me awake, and I groaned as Elijah tightened his grip. I snuggled into the bed and ignored the shaking. Elijah was too relaxing to wake up and see him shaking me awake. Wait a minute, I suddenly thought, if Elijah's right here, then who's shaking me?! My eyes burst open in fright, and saw the other Hobbits were staring at us in surprise. I reached my arm back and smacked Elijah and he gasped awake, his arms still clasped around me.

"Um, hey guys..." Oh god, we were doomed.

"I knew it!" cried Billy, "I knew that you guys weren't okay!"

My face was a deep red. "What, I can't go to sleep anymore?!"

"You two are together!" Billy exclaimed, pointing his fingers at us, "we knew you two were keeping it a secret!"

I scoffed. "Well congrats," I said sarcastically, "do you want a sticker, little baby Billy?"

I could see the hurt in Billy's face. "This is serious, you guys." Wow, Dominic was actually serious and worried about this. I thought he was already fine with it, since he's known about it for a while now.

"I don't see anything wrong with it," I told them.

"But you guys are best friends!" Billy objected, "friends can't be doing stuff like this!"

"What? Sleeping?"

"No!" Billy cried again, "sleeping TOGETHER!"

"Gosh, calm down." They really did need to relax, and leave us alone.

"Seriously guys, yesterday wasn't our first time anyway." Oh dear lord, Elijah just had to go out and say that. Now the Hobbits were even more upset at us for breaking their trust and doing things behind their backs.


I groaned. "It was only one other time, guys. In Ireland when my dad died. THAT'S IT. Yesterday just..I don't know...brought the feelings back."

Billy scoffed, but Sean nodded in understanding. He was married, and this stage of his life had come and gone. Dominic wasn't even dating at the moment, and Billy had a girlfriend. I was surprised that Billy wasn't understanding like Sean was. He loved his girlfriend to death, and missed her so much that it wasn't funny. It angered me, how the others could have their own private love lifes, but everything me and Elijah did became the front and center of attention.

"We don't say anything about your love lifes!" Elijah basically mirrored the thoughts in my head, and I couldn't help smiling to myself as I stroked Elijah's hands, which were still on my belly.

"That's because this affects us! Now you guys are going to be all lovey dovey all the time!" Is that what Billy really thought?

"Guys, nobody else has to know about this. We're trying to hide it. Nobody is going to tell," I gravely replied to them, "understand?" No response. I sighed and turned my back to them, cuddling deeper in Elijah's chest. "Now, you guys have ten seconds to leave before I throw something at your heads." My voice may have be muffled, but they could hear a threat even if I whispered it a mile away. Without a word they scurried out the trailer and left me and Elijah alone.

Finally they were gone! Elijah and I stared at each other for a while, then both burst out in a fit of giggles. It was so fun to get them wired up like that, like those toy mouses that jolted around the floor after you twised their knobs.

"That was hilarious," I grinned, giving Elijah a kiss. He grinned and hugged me closer as he kissed back. I looked up at the clock, noticing that filming was going to start in ten minutes. "Hey! We're late!" Elijah stopped kissing me and looked up as well, and jumped off me. In scared silence we fumbled about fixing our appearances and ran out the trailer. It would raise more suspision on us, so we had to hurry up the best we could.

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