My sister (if u knew her, u would kill her)

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Me: *sitting playing video games with a guy on PS3*

Sister: *sees the guy(cause she plays with him on minecraft to much) Hey Toxic, cam i play?!

Me: *looks at her* i just got on, so no

Sister: Let me have a turn *yells to the guy(i have a headset on but he can still hear her loud mouth)* BLAH BLAH BLAH sisters fat BLAH BLAH BLAH shes so stupid she doesn't know what BLAH BLAH BLAH is and so on(this actually happened to me, she wont shut up)

Guy in playing with: Damn does she shut up?

Me: nope

Sister: what did he say? did he say anything about me?!

Me: *looks at her like 'really'* all i said was 'nope' and you think hes talking about you? Bruh

Sister: I'm getting dad

Me: *is like 'wtf did i do???!!!!!!!'*

Sister: *gets father* Toxic, you have 10 more minutes on the PS3, then let your sister have a turn

Me: i just got on this! She plays it for like 3 hours and i get like 1!!!! BRUH!!!!!!! *doesn't give a F*ck anymore and hands sister the controller* TAKE IT! i cant deal with you people anymore

So now im just on my computer.... writing this....... and playing on Chrome Experiments........ I hate my sister

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