Chapter 1

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"Mommy! Mommy!" Doris yelled as she ran through the house looking for Louis.

"What baby?"

"When's daddy coming back home?"

"Um. Daddy's still on his trip."

"He's taking forever!" Doris whined.

"I know, but it's alright. He's just on a quick trip."

"Mommy, when's my birthday party?"

"Your birthday party is... Next Friday."

"Niall and Liam are coming?"

"Yes, they live here.... They don't have much of an option."

"Yeah, but they can't miss my birthday!"

"I know, stop reminding me that I'm getting old. Look, I've got to go get Madison from daycare. Would you like to come with me Doris?"

"You don't look old and that's what matters mommy. I'll go with you tomorrow. I don't wanna go with you today."

"Alright, I guess you can stay here alone until Niall and Liam get here." And with that Louis walked out of the house and stepped into his car, which was really Harry's Range Rover. So it wasn't his and he didn't step into the car. It was Harry's. His old alpha's. And he had to almost jump to get into the car.

He hummed along to the radio and tapped the steering wheel on the way to pick up his two year old daughter. He almost missed the turn but, thankfully, he didn't. Well, actually he did, but he made a U-turn. Sure, it was an illegal U-turn, but a U-turn no matter what. And, to make it better, no police were around to see him make that turn so he didn't even get pulled over.

He hopped, literally hopped, out of the car and it was only then that he realized just how short he was. It was funny when he thought about it because he was so defensive about his height, but it was also angering because the only time he liked being short was when he was with Harry. He wasn't with Harry anymore so now he doesn't much like the jokes about his height. Niall and Liam learned that when they didn't stop making jokes about his height until Louis pulled his gun out of put Liam and Niall right beside each other and pointing it at Liam's head, telling them both that if he 'accidentally' pulled the trigger and it 'accidentally' went through Liam's skull, it would also go through Niall's skull. After that, no jokes about his height were made. And he was quite happy with that.

He smiled at the thought and opened the door to the daycare. It smelled like bleach. He hated that smell but it was also kind of comforting in a way. It reminded him of when his mother used to clean the blood stains from the carpets and from the linoleum in the afternoons after his father 'had a meeting' with a bunch of people and only 2 walked out. He walked to the second to last room in that hallway and smiled at his daughter through the window in the door before opening it and walking in.

He was greeted, as usual, by the two lovely teachers in the room who he often made conversation with. They knew what not to talk about so that was alright. They didn't know why they weren't allowed to talk about alphas or ruts or heats or anything close to it around Louis, but they just assumed he was either a bit squeamish or private or had a bad experience or something. So they just didn't talk about it. They talked about Louis' job as a kindergarten teacher and how they wished that they taught half days rather than full days. It was a 24 hour day care, open 6 days a week rather than 7, so they also complained about working nights sometimes.

"How was she today?" He asked Lilith, referring to his daughter.

"She was great, a bit fussy, but she was playing with Anna and December when they came in. How was work today?"

"Didn't have it. Doris got sick in the morning and I stayed home with her."

"Poor baby, I hope she feels better."

"She's already feeling better. I think she was just trying to get out of going to school, the little troublemaker she is."

"Ah, so basically she's a mini you?"

"I suppose you could say that," He said and turned to look down at the sign in/out sheet. The first thing he noticed was the his child was now at the bottom of the list. Tomlinson used to the be the first to last. Now there's two kids before his. Nobody had an 'S' last name. And the second thing he realized was that the kids' names were 'Styles'. December and Anna. December Styles and Anna Styles. The first thing that came to mind was Harry. Harry's last name is Styles. But then Louis scolded himself for thinking about him and shrugged it off saying to himself that there were lots of last names that were Styles. It wasn't just Harry.

But he couldn't stop thinking about that, "Styles. Who's the one who brings the children in?"

"It's an alpha, I know that. Sometimes there's a girl with him when he comes in, sometimes there's a guy with him when he comes in, they're both omegas though. Maybe they've got an open relationship? I don't know."

Louis nodded and cheerfully spoke as he reached for Madison's hand, "Well, I'll be seeing you ladies tomorrow!"

Madison grabbed Louis' hand and they walked side by side as she talked about how much fun she had at school. She learned to count to 15, she could get to the letter 'H' before she messed up, and she played doctor with Anna and December. Louis didn't stop listening to her, even when she started to repeat what she was just talking about. Louis would always listen to her, no matter what she was talking about.

Once in the car, she screeched about how she wanted ice cream and nothing but ice cream. Man did two year olds have lungs on them. Louis protested at first but then he wanted to get her to be quiet and he was really craving some unhealthy ice cream. He got one scoop of vanilla ice cream in a cup for Madison, one scoop of vanilla and one scoop of chocolate for Doris, two scoops of strawberry for Niall, a banana split for Liam, and one scoop of mint chocolate chip, one scoop of cookie dough, one scoop of Superman, and one scoop of banana pudding ice cream for himself.

I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. You'll just have to wait a couple of chapters for Louis and Harry to meet. The title is a combination of a few things. One is my brain. The suggested title from _alysha was 'Chances,' which is where I got chances from and Mahomie0Belieber suggested that I switch them and make it 'The Alpha and his Omega,' which is where I got that part of it. So thank you very much to those two who gave me the ideas for the title!

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