Chapter 5

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"Lou, what are you doing?" 

"Making breakfast, what does it look like?" 

"I don't know. To me, it just looks like you're slapping things around and smiling at them," Harry said from where he was standing at the counter. 

"To me, it looks like you're getting on my nerves and should continue cutting the apples and peeling the oranges," Louis said, clearly annoyed with Harry. 

"Don't get snippy with me, Louis, I didn't do anything," Harry frowned. 

"Well, I mean, you're not doing anything now. You're supposed to be peeling those oranges and you're not. You're supposed to be cutting those apples and putting them in the cinnamon sugar water, but you're not. How about you start doing that so that all of breakfast can be done at the same time and the apples ready by lunch." 

"Fine, fine, when did you get so demanding?" 

"I'm not sure if you noticed or not, but I've always been somewhat demanding. Maybe you've forgotten since you left, but I've always had more power than you think." 

"Whatever Louis, what are you making for breakfast?" Harry asked, finally getting to work with cutting the apples into thin slices. Louis was nice enough to cut the apple into fourths before Harry started, which made it easier for Harry. 

"Sandwiches. For Doris, it's ham, turkey, bacon, mustard, mayo, egg, and cheese. For the three younger girls, it's just sausage, egg, cheese, and bacon, if they want it. I hope that you don't have picky children," Louis said as he lifted the sandwich from the buttered skillet and put it onto the paper towel covered plate next to the stove. 

"I don't," Harry shook his head. He handed Louis an already peeled orange and watched as he ate it. He only finished half of it before he put it back down on the counter. He had to finish the food for all four children, three hungry alphas, and himself. There was no need in finishing his orange right this minute. He picked up a tomato and started to cut it. "Now what are you doing? You didn't mention tomatoes in that list you gave me." 

"I'm making our sandwiches now," Louis sighed. 

"Which will be...." Harry prompted. 

"I was thinking that I could break out the bread that I didn't have to make that's gluten free. Sometimes I just need some gluten. Anyway, I was thinking that I could do mozzarella cheese with tomato and basil and olive oil paninis for our breakfast. Do you have any problems with that?" 

"Nope, but can I have lettuce on mine as well?" Harry asked and plopped all of the thinly sliced apple pieces into the bowl with cinnamon sugar water. Louis nodded and handed Harry the plate of sandwiches for the little girls, telling him to cut them in half, with a diagonal cut. He read somewhere that kids are more likely to eat their sandwiches if they're cut diagonally. He likes his cut diagonally and his two children don't ever hesitate to eat their sandwiches. 

He quickly finishes with the paninis and cuts them in half, placing the other half of his orange on his plate. He stirs the apple slices before putting them in the fridge. He picks up the plates and brings them into the dining room. Nobody is there, which isn't a surprise, so he sets the table. There's a plate with peeled oranges in the middle of the table, in everyone's reach due to the fact that the leafs aren't in the table so it's still their normal, small table. They probably wouldn't extend the table again unless Harry had family visit, which Louis didn't ever think would happen. 

Anna, December, Doris, and Madison all got red plates with white flowers. Harry, Liam, Louis, and Niall all got white plates with red flowers along the edges. Louis placed the children's sandwiches on their plates and placed the adults' sandwiches on their plates, saving the one with the most tomato on it for himself. He ended up making the adult's sandwiches with his, non-gluten bread just in case Madison wanted to try some of his sandwich or anyone else's. 

"Breakfast is ready!" Louis shouted from the dining room, laughing when four children ran in followed by two alphas, who were all followed by a Harry who was hanging up the phone. "Who were on the phone with?"


"Ah, do they need you?" 

"No, I've got the day off. They were just calling. It's not really uncommon. We teach at the hospital and if there are too many things going wrong and not enough people to take care of them, they need to call and ask us to come in. I was calling one of the people I work with to see if they could cover for me. I was on call today, but now I've got someone to cover for me."

"I just asked a simple question. It required a simple answer. This isn't school where you need to write me a five page essay to receive full credit. I would've been fine with a simple yes or no," Louis said and took Harry's phone from him. "No phones at the table, by the way. Eating is for family time, not being on your phone. You can go at least 45 minutes without it." 

"I don't think that I even need it at all today, unless there's some type of emergency. It's Christmas Eve, though, so...."

"So?" Louis asked. 

"So I've got to take the girls home or I've got to bring all of their presents here and they'll have Christmas here. It's your house so it's completely up to you," Harry quickly, well as quickly as he could speak, said. 

"Well, ask them what they want to do. After that, we'll talk." Louis didn't actually mind it if Harry were to spend another night here with him and they could wake up tomorrow and all celebrate Christmas together, like a family. He knew they weren't a family, but one could only hope. 

"Happy birthday, by the way. I've got a few presents for you as well," Harry smiled. 


"I got them a while back. I noticed your name on the list at day care," Harry's smile got wider and wider by the minute, dimples denting his skin, eyes shining with pride and happiness. 

"So you were basically stalking me using the sign in sheet?"

"Meh, I prefer the term.... Okay, yeah, there's no way to make that sound better. I was stalking you, kind of?"

"Well, I haven't gotten you anything, so until I get you something, you will just be gifted the present of my hospitality and my home cooking. You even get a lactose and gluten free diet, which seems to be the biggest craze right now. Best way to lose weight or something," Louis shook his head and moved to go sit in his seat. 

There were only two seats left at the table, which gave Harry no option but to sit by Louis. Harry picked up one half of the sandwich and brought it to his mouth, biting and chewing slowly. He watched Anna and December play with their oranges, making faces at each other. He was going to say something to them, but decided against it. Doris was already halfway done with her second half of the sandwich and Madison was moving on to the second half of her sandwich. 

You could tell the differences between Louis' children and Harry's children when they were eating. One pair was silent and didn't speak with their mouth full of food, while the other pair was not as silent, talking and giggling with food threatening to spew out of their mouths. The ironic thing about the situation is that Harry is the one you would expect to have the silent ones, but he's the one with the giggly, talkative ones. He blames it on his bad parenting skills and the two of them being twins. 

I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry it took so long to update. I tried to make it at least kind of long, but I'm not sure that it worked out. Sorry. Anyway, today is the day that Louis turns 24 (for me, at least), which means that this is his golden age. But it also means that my new otp is 24 and 21, not 23 and 21. :)

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