Chapter 7

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The next morning was the beginning of a boring Sunday, he was thankful that Harry didn't bring up the panic attack he had at the mall though. The only thing that happened was Harry, Anna, and December left. Louis was supposed to drop Madison off at Harry's house that night for them to have a sleepover, even though he and Harry both had work on Monday. Louis slept rather awkwardly that night, but he woke up well rested. 


"Good morning," Louis said walking into Madison's classroom to drop off her lunch, which he'd forgotten to give her the night before to take today.

"Good morning."

"Here's Madison's lunch, I forgot to give it to her earlier," He said as he scanned the room for his beloved kid.

"She hasn't come in yet, but I'll be sure to give her her lunch at lunchtime," The teacher, who wasn't one of the normal teachers, said and took the lunch from Louis and hung it on a hook.


Louis continued on with his day, smiling even though he was confused as to why Harry hadn't dropped Madison off yet. He always saw Anna and December before Madison was dropped off, so it was odd to not see them, and his kid, when he dropped of the lunch.

Louis texted Harry on his way home. He knew that he shouldn't text and drive, but he didn't really care much. He just wanted to know why Harry didn't drop Madison off at the time he normally dropped his two off. Plus, it wasn't like Louis had to look away from the road, simply opting to use Siri to send a message to Harry.

He didn't receive a message back until he was starting dinner. Apparently, Harry had to stay home because he wasn't feeling good. Why he thought that it was better to not tell Louis that he was staying home, Louis didn't know. But he did know that he was pissed off and annoyed at Harry for not telling him. It's one thing to not take your own kids to school for a day, but it's a whole new thing when you have someone else's kid at your house and you don't tell the parent that they're not going to school.

He decided on chicken a rice soup, mostly because they were out of noodles, for dinner that night. He figured that it would only need about 45-ish minutes to cook, give or take some minutes. He wasn't in the mood to make anything else, so he hoped that everyone got full from just the soup itself. He double checked that he'd grabbed the right bag of rice and that this one had no gluten in it and that the bag itself hadn't come in contact with any gluten. He even checked the website before dumping the rice into the boiling chicken broth mixture, the chicken already in it.

Louis texted Harry while the soup was heating, telling him that he'd bring over soup for him and the girls and that he'd pick Madison up. Harry thanked him for the dinner, but didn't reply to Louis' message when he asked how he was feeling. Louis didn't mind much because Liam came in soon after and distracted him.

Doris came down and set the table, even though Louis told her that she didn't have to do that tonight. It was rare that Louis would let anyone eat breakfast or dinner anywhere but in the dining room. The only times he allowed them to eat wherever they wanted was when he was in heat or the alphas of the house were in rut, or if it was a special occasion, sometimes if he was just too lazy to eat in the dining room. Whatever the reason, it was always a happy experience, until time to clean up.


"Do you want me to take all three girls or are you fine to keep your twins?" Louis asked as he stood in Harry's kitchen, reheating the soup.

"No, it's fine, I'll be better tomorrow. I hope so at least. I need to go to work," Harry sighed.

"You need to sleep and take care of yourself.. How about I'll take tomorrow off of work, we can send the girls to school, I'll even drop them off, and we can spend all day watching shit daytime tv? That way you're not bored out of your mind. I can also make the meals for the house while I'm here."

"Is this your way of asking me if I want to Netflix and Chill or whatever the teens are saying these days?" Harry smirked.

"No, it's my way of saying that I don't mind getting sick if I can take care of you and not let you get anyone else sick. Don't let that go to your head, Mr. Styles."

Harry nodded, but the smirk never left his face. Louis could feel Harry watching him, but he did his best to ignore it. When the soup was heated up completely, Louis separated it into 5 bowls, giving Harry the most. He called the three girls down to the kitchen to get their bowls and asked Harry where he'd like to eat. Harry chose to just stand in the kitchen and eat at the counter, giving the girls free reign over where they sat.

"You're way more lenient than I am, which is quite ironic," Louis said as he watched all 6 feet rush out of the kitchen, almost tripping over each other and spilling their soup as they went.

"You just like to have things in your control and you just want to make sure that everyone is alright and that everything is clean," Harry smiled. There were many days where Louis would yell at him to get his lazy ass out of bed and just start cleaning his side of the room. He'd always ignored him, but Louis just let him be a pig. Now, though, Harry's house was almost completely cleaned, inside and out.

"You like control as well, don't even try to say that that's why you're more lenient."

"Just let me eat my soup in peace, please. I'd like food and sleep, not a lecture," Harry rolled his eyes.

"You would get a lecture anyway."

"I haven't had a lecture since I graduated college and since I was finally able to reach the position I'm in now. I don't need one from you, you tiny omega," Harry groaned, eyes widening when he realized that that was probably offensive to Louis.

"Whatever Harry. Eat your soup. After, I'll take my omega self out of this house and back to my home with my kid."

"I think that you mean our kid. And I didn't mean it like that."

"I mean my kid. I've raised her this far."

"Whose fault is that?"

"Who left?"

"Who told me to leave?"

"I did, but that doesn't mean that you do it. You hadn't respected my wishes before, why start then?" Louis asked and Harry looked down guiltily.

"Let's just stop pretending that we hate each other. Don't you think that that will make things about 1000% easier?"

"Sure," Louis rolled his eyes and handed Harry his bowl that was still half full.

"No, eat more, Louis. I'm not letting you move until you eat at least 16 more bites."

"What am I? 8 years old again when my mummy and daddy still told me when and what to eat? I don't think so, Harry. Besides, I'm not hungry. You can have the rest of mine if you want," Louis said, though luck never was something that was on his side when he needed it to be. His stomach grumbled, causing Harry to chuckle and try to feed Louis more soup. "There, 16 bites, I'm done now."

"Not so fast, Speedy. Where do you think I learned to count? Because I know that that wasn't even 10 bites, let alone 16. I'll continue to feed you if I have to."

"It's not for you to decide how much I eat, Harry. You're not my alpha, you're not my parents, you're not my.... Well, to be quite honest, you're not my anything but my friend and a few other things. If I say I'm full, I'm full. Accept and respect that answer as my answer and just leave it be." 

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