Chapter 14

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"Daddy," Louis drawled out, dragging the 'a' for a bit, "Please may I have your knot?"

"Hmm," Harry hummed.

Louis was grinding his naked bum back and forth on Harry's clothed cock, trying to both tease Harry and get some friction and maybe release. He'd been begging for the younger's knot for the past hour and a half and Harry expected him to get bored of it, but here they still were. Louis rocked a bit harder as though that would persuade Harry to strip right then and there and knot him.

"How much do you want my knot, dove?" Harry teased.

"Very, very much, Daddy, please give me your knot, please. I'll be a good boy, Daddy" Louis promised, tired of Harry's antics but wanting a knot in him.

"You'll be a good boy whether you get my knot or not," Harry said, trying to keep from laughing at the use of double-not even if they were two completely different meanings. This was a serious moment, definitely not one to ruin with his laughing.

"No I won't Daddy, I'll be as horrible as I can possibly be," Louis said, half serious but willing to say anything that might get him closer to Harry's knot.

"Then I would have to punish you, and you don't want that, now do you, Lou? I don't think you do," Harry replied with a smirk, not letting his eyes leave Louis' once.

Louis shook his head quickly, "I want your knot."

"I know you do, baby. Be a good boy and you can have it in a minute," Harry promised, "Now flip over onto your stomach."

Louis did as told. He wanted Harry's knot and now he was going to get it if he was a good boy for Harry. He rubbed the pillow to keep himself calm and from getting too insecure and changing his mind, which wouldn't be the first time that he'd done it and it probably won't be the last time knowing him.

"Lou, you need to relax," Harry said as he gently rubbed Louis' upper left thigh.

"I know, I'm sorry Daddy," Louis replied, though it was slightly muffled by the pillow that he was rubbing to distract himself from everything but Harry.

"Are you okay baby?" Harry asked, just to be sure. He didn't want to continue on if Louis wasn't okay or comfortable for whatever the reason may be.

"I'm okay," Louis nodded.

"Alright baby, we can always stop if you want," Harry said making sure that Louis knew that he was okay with stopping if Louis needed to. He paused for a few seconds to give Louis some time to decide if he wanted to continue on with this or if he wanted to stop now. When Louis gave him no response he nuzzled Louis' lower back before moving lower and gently separated Louis' cheeks so that he could lick the slick away from Louis' hole.


"Shut the hell up, we were not that loud," Louis pouted and threw a handful of popcorn at Niall's head. He dodged quite easily but Louis didn't care, it was effective and that's all he was going for.

"You were super loud. I can tell you almost everything about what happened during the two hours you were fucking, not counting the, what, two other hours that you were begging for Harry's knot."

"How many times did I cum?" Louis asked and it was in this moment that he realized that they were way too open with each other.

"Probably 5 or 6 just going by how much louder you were and how you warned Harry a few times."

"How many times was I knotted?"

"Easy; three times, stop asking me such easy questions."

Louis narrowed his eyes, "Those are the only things that I can think of to quiz you on."

"Why did you have sex right before Harry had to leave anyway? You're always so much moodier when you get fucked and they leave afterward," Niall complained.

"Because he won't be back for like 14 hours," Louis whined, "Stop reminding me."

"Louis, I do not have time for this. If you're going to be whiny and cry all the damn time, I'm calling someone to murder you."

"You wouldn't do that. Hey, since everyone's at daycare and school, is there any chance that you've got any drugs in the house? I'll take anything but molly," Louis said.

"Louis, you can't be doing drugs. I don't think that Harry would appreciate you doing drugs. And you're going to be sick if you do too much. And if you're on drugs when Harry comes home, he's going to kill me. And how are you going to get the kids if you're high off your ass?"

"Would you rather me go out and find some bum to give me drugs that have come from God knows where or would you like to give me something?"

"Ugh, when you put it that way.... This is not my fault. Make sure that Harry knows that or I'll beat your ass."

"I've got an Alpha to beat my ass if I need someone to beat it," Louis sassed, being his normal bratty self.

Niall went to his room to show Louis that he was going to get something. Niall decided that now would be one of the best times to try this new thing that he heard of. He reached into his medicine cabinet and grabbed two antacids and thought of a drug that looked similar to the antacids in his hands. He walked back to Louis, handing the medicine over to him, easily lying to him about what it was.

"Absolutely not, not today," Harry said immediately as he walked into the house and caught sight of Louis giggling in the kitchen.

He knew when Louis was high and he definitely seemed it right now. He'd just gotten off a double shift and did not have time for this. Just as quickly as he walked in, he was walking back out of the house.


"Harry!" Louis cheered as Harry walked through the door the next night. "I haven't seen you in almost three whole days!"

"Yes, well, I had work, and you had drugs to attend to," Harry sighed.

"Ah, so you found out. Who told you? Was it Niall? Was it Liam? Tell me."

"I walked into the house when I got off last night only to find my precious, innocent omega who could do no wrong," Harry paused after his moment of sarcasm, "Giggling as he walked through the kitchen clearly on drugs and feeling especially happy."

"You don't know that I was high, though. Maybe I was just hungry and was giggling at something funny? It's not uncommon, but no, we always have to jump to conclusions," Louis rolled his eyes.

"You basically admitted that you were on drugs, Louis. There's no point in pretending that you weren't on anything. I'm going to shower, I've already eaten so don't worry about setting a place for me at the table," Harry said before walking off towards their room to go to the master bathroom so he could shower.

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