Chapter 16

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All he knew was that there was a knife stuck in his tree...

When Louis woke up and walked out to feel how warm it was outside, he looked down and there it was - a butcher knife stuck right into the tree below his balcony. It'd be one thing if it were just a pocket knife or something, everyone had those, but this was a butcher knife just sticking out of a tree that was behind the house, the house being at least fifteen miles from the city. He was scared, this was definitely something to be scared about in his opinion.

He walked back into his room, making sure to lock the balcony door behind him to do his best at keeping whoever left that knife out of his house.


"What's wrong with you?" Niall asked that evening after the children had been put to bed.

"Nothing is wrong," Louis said with a slight frown, biting at his bottom lip and thinking about everything in his life currently. It was a mess to be completely honest.

He'd found out that he was pregnant, he had no Alpha as of now, he wasn't letting Harry in and hadn't been for the past three weeks, he'd found a fucking butcher knife in the tree below his balcony, and the list just went on.

"Is this how it's going to be now that there's no Harry in the house?" Niall sighed. Louis just shook his head and silently walked away, not really caring that he was being rude.


"You know," Niall started as he walked into Louis' room, "The world isn't over just because Harry isn't here anymore. You are the one that kicked him out, if you don't remember."

"He's the one that kept my children from me," Louis defended his actions, "I didn't think that he'd actually leave and stay gone, though. When has he ever just stayed away for good the first time that I told him to?"

Niall nodded in agreement, "It is surprising, I'll admit that much, but I'm sure that there's a reason for it."

"Yeah, it's because I'm a disappointment for an omega. Who would want someone that was doing drugs taking care of their kids or carrying their kids or cooking for them or sleeping next to them?"

"Lou," Niall said sympathetically, "You're not a disappointment - not to me, not to Liam, not to Harry, not to your children, not to anyone. You work yourself as much as you have to, to put the things that the house needs up. And even though you don't work anymore, you still do everything that you can to make sure that we all get what we need. You're far from a disappointment, Lou. Just because Harry isn't coming back like he normally would, I'm sure that he eventually will and you're never going to be a disappointment - not to me at least. You can drink and smoke and do drugs until your lungs and liver break down for good. You can become a stripper if that's what you want to do. I can't say that I'll support you and I can't say that the kids won't be embarrassed slightly, but you'll never be a disappointment. Do you understand me, Tomlinson?"

Louis nodded shortly and whispered, "Thanks Niall."

"Alright baby, I'm going to go call someone and make you something to eat. Would you like anything in particular?"

"Actually, would you mind running to Chick-fil-A and getting me one of those cobb salads? I've been craving one for the past week but haven't dragged my lazy ass out so I never got one," Louis pouted, rubbing his small tummy. "You know, I should tell him."

"Tell who what?"

"Harry, I should tell Harry that I'm pregnant again," Louis said, looking down.

"You didn't tell him?"

Louis looked down and shook his head, "I... Um... He was gone before I could tell him. I didn't know until recently."

"Then, yeah, you should tell him. He might want to still be Madison's life still, even if he doesn't exactly want to be in your life," Niall said thoughtfully.

"I don't know, I'm sure that he might want to. I mean, it is his kid. And Doris is basically his and mine even though neither of us are her biological parents. I'll text him or call him later," Louis promised himself and Niall.

Niall just nodded, taking that as a good enough response. It wasn't like Louis wouldn't want the best for his children and if he thought that that was what was best for them, then that's what he'd do and if he didn't think that that was a beneficial situation, he wouldn't put himself or his kids into it if he could help it. Plus, he had to tell Harry anyway. Harry had to know about this one.


"So it's mine?"

Louis nodded, staying silent.

"You're sure? Like, completely and one hundred percent sure?" Harry asked, clearly in disbelief.

"You're the only one I've had sex with.... Well... That's not true, but I haven't had sex since you," Louis mumbled, "You're the only person who could be the father to the child. I'm not sleeping around, so why would that even be a question?"

"I don't know, it's just... Surprising?" Harry said, his voice raising at the end, making it sound more like a question than anything else.

"Well, surprise," Louis said, voice sarcastic and full of faked enthusiasm.

"Yeah, thanks? So did you want me to be in the child's life or?"

"I mean, if I'm honest, I was hoping that you'd like to be in all of your children's lives, Doris included obviously. I don't mind if you'd like to stay away from me, but it'd be pretty nice if you were around for them."

"I definitely want to be around for them if you'll let me be around. I'll be around as much and as long as you need me," Harry said, definitely getting excited about this conversation.

"Why are you so happy about this?"

"Because Lou," Harry said as though Louis should know why, his eyes shining with happiness as he spoke, "Babies! And I get to be around the family again!"

"Are you going to try to keep me away from my kids again?"

Harry frowned, "I did that for your benefit and the benefit of your children."

"Harry, they don't need you to protect them. They were going to be with friends that night anyway, so there was no need for me to not do drugs if I wanted to," Louis said, getting frustrated already, resting his hand on the top of his stomach where he was having a little bit of pain.

"Your belly!" Harry cooed.

"Yeah, I've got a stomach, so do you," Louis rolled his eyes.

"Shut up," Harry said, a small smile playing on his lips and looking at the small swell of Louis' stomach.

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