Chapter 2

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Louis arrived home, Madison in toe and lots of ice cream in hand. He called Niall and Liam's name as he walked into the house that still somehow managed to smell just like Harry. He smiled and handed everyone their different ice creams keeping his four scoops to himself and walking to the kitchen to get chocolate sprinkles and caramel. 

He hasn't even lost all the weight from Madison and she's two and here he is, only getting himself fatter and fatter. He looked like he could be pregnant all over again. He's been asked that already multiple times. He hates when people ask him that but it happens a lot. He decides to start eating healthier and exercise every single day for at least 2 hours.... But he'd start tomorrow. 

He started on preparing dinner since he knew that if he didn't make dinner, then nobody would and then he would have two whiny alphas and he would have two little whiny omega children that wanted food. He poured whole wheat linguine noodles into the Crock Pot and dumped milk, salt, pepper, garlic, and 4 cups of cheese into it as well, turning the Crock Pot up to high and using the big spoon to stir it all around. He set a timer on his phone for 45 minutes so that he knew when he needed to stir it again. When that started ticking down, he sat down on top of the island, almost hearing Harry's voice telling him to get off the island because he just wiped it down. 

He started to eat his ice cream, deciding that he needed to put more caramel on it. He hopped down, his ankle popping as he landed, making him wince but continue on the way to the fridge. He leaned down to pull the bottom drawer out and grab the caramel. Once it was in his grasp, he took the lid off and placed it on the counter behind him. He was about to go and happily enjoy his yummy ice cream and caramel when the damn timer went off. He was certain that 45 minutes did not go that quickly. He grumbled as he made his way across the floor to take the lid off to stir. 

His glasses fogged up as soon as he lifted the lid up making him want to scream and shout and throw the damn things down the garbage disposal and let them be crunched up into pieces but the last time he did that, the garbage disposal didn't work for almost 2 weeks. Instead, he just gently took them off and put them on the counter. 

"Mommy!" Doris shouted as she walked into the kitchen. 

"Yes Dori?" 

"I'm hungry and so is Madison."

"You've eaten your ice cream?" And as he says that, Louis realizes just how bad of a parent he is. 

"Yes, but we want food." 

"It's not dinner time, there's still two and a half hours until it's dinner time."

"Well, can we have a snack?" 

"Yes, actually, you can. Go sit in the living room, do your homework. I'll bring you a snack in a minute." 

Louis watched as she left before walked back over to the fridge and grabbing hummus and the vinegar. He grabbed the salt from the cabinet above the stove and the pita bread from the pantry. He cut the pita bread into small little triangles ending up with almost 50 pieces. He poured vinegar into a small bowl and salt into the bowl next to it. He dipped all of the pieces into the vinegar carefully before putting a bit of sea salt onto both sides and then putting all of the pieces onto the baking rack which was standing above the baking sheet under it. 

He preheated the oven to 350 and sighed as he waited for it to warm up. When did he become that omega? The omega that stays home for most of the day and takes care of his children and practices cooking and makes up recipes as they come to mind and tests them out with his children? The oven beeped, signaling that it was ready to be used. He put the baking sheet on the middle rack in the oven and set the timer for 10 minutes. 

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