Chapter 4

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"You've lost weight," Harry says as he pulled Louis' wrist. 

Louis shrugged, "A few pounds, so what?" 

"It's just weird."

"Thanks Harry," Louis rolled his eyes. 

They don't talk when they're washing their hands, they don't talk very much minus the normal dinner chat that people have. Mostly, Louis just listens to everyone else speaking, not feeling like talking. He finishes before everyone else, dumping his left over food into a container, remembering to put the rest of the leftovers in them and put them in the fridge. 

"Do you need help?" 

"No thanks Harry, you can go talk with Liam and Niall or something," Louis said, looking at the reflection of Harry in the window above the sink. 

"Okay, well don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it," Harry said before putting his plate on the counter and walking out of the kitchen. 

"Lou, here's the rest of the plates," Liam said and placing everything down on the counter. Louis nodded and wiped the few tears that were making their way down his cheeks, trying to keep Liam from seeing anything. "What's wrong?" 

"Nothing Li, I'm fine," Louis said turning around and putting on a smile and speaking in an overly happy voice.

"Yeah, sure, maybe on the outside, but I was talking about the tears." 

"Nothing Liam," Louis said, dropping the smile but not the voice.

"Louis, you can't hide your feelings for forever, you know," Liam sighed and jumped onto the counter beside Louis. 

"There's nothing to hide, I'm feeling fine. Nothing is wrong at all. You don't have to worry about me. You need to worry about other things. There's better things to waste your time on than me, and when you find someone you'd like to waste your time on, maybe you won't consider it as time wasting."

"I feel like you're trying to tell me something here," Liam said carefully. 

"I'm trying to tell you that you shouldn't be here, worrying about me and wasting time on me. You should find someone or something else that you can waste your time on. When you find that someone, you may not feel like you're wasting time. You'll feel happy. You'll be so high on happiness that you'll be oblivious to everything else around you. But one day, you'll be more aware of your surroundings. It'll be like a slap to the face and you'll realize that you've spent your days wasting time on someone who you thought would be there forever, but they're not." 

"That's definitely not what you said before."

"Read between the lines, dick. Get the hell out of my kitchen so I can finish washing the dishes and packing up the leftovers. Guess what you're having for lunch tomorrow?" 

"Not leftovers, that's for sure." 

"That's what you think now. Just wait until you are relying on me to feed you because your lazy ass doesn't want to make your own food." 

"You know I'm an alpha, right?" Liam asked.

"Yes, and I'm an omega. What would your point be Liam?" 

"That I'm higher than you. You're lucky that I take all this ordering around from you, Louis," Liam said as he hopped off the counter. 

"I could easily kill you with my bare hands. It doesn't matter that I'm an omega. You take the ordering around because you respect me. We are literally all the same people with different personalities and genders. There's no need to categorize and treat one person better than another. Now, get out of here before I make you." 


"We've got a minor problem," Harry said walking out of Doris' room. 

"And what would that be?" Louis groaned, thinking that he'd have to clean up a mess.

"Well, my girls have decided that it's their bed time. They're sleeping in Doris's room. I don't want to wake them, but I don't want to leave them." 

"What are you trying to say then Mr. Styles?" 

"I'm not trying to say anything Mr. Tomlinson. I'm saying that my children are now sleeping in your child's room with our child." 

"That was a mouthful there, wasn't it?" 

"Yes it was, a very complicated and confusing one as well," Harry sighed. 

"Well, should've kept it in your pants." 

"Whatever Louis, would you like me to sleep on the couch or will you be ever so gracious and let me sleep in bed with you?" 

"Don't you have work tomorrow?" Louis asked, changing the subject. 

"Nope, do you?" 

"That certainly depends on where this conversation is going," Louis frowned. 

"Well, tomorrow is Tuesday. I never see Madison on Tuesdays, so I know that you don't have work. There's no point in lying about that, Louis. If you don't want me to sleep with you, then say it. I don't mind taking the couch."

"How about we watch a movie or two until I'm tired, which won't take long, and we will go from there. If you sleep in my bed tonight, do not even think about touching me in a sexual way. I'm just going to say that now." 

"So there's a greater possibility of me sleeping in bed with you than there is of me sleeping out here on the cold, lonely couch by myself?" Harry smirked. 

"No, there's a greater chance that I put you out to sleep in your car if you continue saying things like that though." 

"Bitter, are we?" 

"Fuck you." 

"Mmm, well, that's what I've been wanting to do." 

"What?" Louis blushed just a tiny bit. He wouldn't ever admit it to anyone else but himself though. 

"I've been wanting to fuck you, Lou," Harry giggled at his small rhyme. 

"That wasn't even funny," Louis groaned. 

"Whatever buzzkill, you have your lame opinion and I've got mine. Mine is just better than yours.... And it's clearly happier and more positive than yours." 

"Shh, the movie is starting," Louis said and handing Harry a Coke while he stuck to his water bottle. 


In the end, Harry did end up sleeping in Louis' room. They were both awakened by four little girls on the bed asking for food. Harry ended up calling in sick.

Sorry this is so short. 

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