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"Samantha. Go for it," Sara ushers pushing me towards Patric. He's seated across room scrolling on his white Iphone. Seemingly unaware to what's going on. Our deeply tanned friend Christian comes up to us. He puts his arm around my waist playfully. The 14 year old boy and an amused look on his face.

 "Samantha I get girls numbers all the time. Just go up and say 'hey. I need your number.' Works every time," he smirks nudging me. I pull out of his grasp and roll my eyes.

"Everyone you hit on you've known for 3 years. This is different," I reply starting to get scared. I want this beautiful boy's number, but I'm terrified to ask for it. Damn his superiority over us.

"Samantha. If you don't ask for his number successfully you have to wear pink for the rest of the year," Sara threatens. I gasp as my hand flies up to my chest. Little bitch, I hate the color pink. With every fiber of my being. My eyes narrow at her and by the way she flinches I'm sure they've turned onyx.

 "Bitch." I mutter before turning around. I slip my black smartphone out of my pocket and pull up contacts. I quickly type his name into my phone. His eyes flit up to my approaching figure from his phone. A smirk lights up his face as I kneel down next to him, making sure that my back is to everyone so neither of our mouths can be seen.

"Patric. My friend dared me to get your number. She said if I didn't get it I had to wear pink for the rest of the year."  I wince as the last words slip out of my mouth.

"I'm guessing that you hate the color pink?" Patric asks with a smile on his face. I groan almost inaudible.

"With a burning passion," I reply almost strangled. I was on the verge of begging him for it. Not only did I want his number but more importantly I did NOT want to be stuck with suck a wretched color. For some odd reason he genuinely laughs, a beautiful heart melting laugh.

"Yeah. I don't mind at all if you have my number. Just tell me when you're ready," he tells me. I let out a relieved breath and tap the number pad. Then I look up and our eyes catch. It feel like I've been in his eyes for a century when I can finally look away. I feel myself blush again when  I nod.

"Ready." I try not to make eye contact with him as my fingers type in the numbers. I'm quickly finished and I look up at him and give him a shy smile.

"Thank you so much. You're a life saver," I thank him whilst saving the contact in my phone. I turn it off and slip it back in my pocket and stand up. As I go to walk off Patric calls something out.

"Hey Sam. Text me any time," I turn around to see him wink at me. I turn an even darker shade of red and wave. I wonder if the wonk was for show or if he was serious. Either way I could feel my heart fluttering in my ribcage.

"No pink bitch," I rub in Sara's face. Which made every girl within 10 feet of us turn to me and start pleading for it. I turn and make my dark eyes latch onto Patric's soft green ones. His light up and instead of looking away like I usually would've I do something completely insane. I wink at him.

"Girls girls. I can't tell you how I got his number. Magic outside of Hogwarts isn't allowed," I say. Then I disappear backstage. I slide into one of the bathrooms and slip out a flask. It had a total of 4 sips of Vodka in it. I press the cool bottle to my lips and gulp it down.

I can feel the warmth going down my throat and spreading through my body. I slide it into my canvas bag set up against the wall under the sinks. The bag also contains everything I might need for tonight. Obviously a change of clothes from the all black I was wearing to a pair of denim shorts that went quite a bit above mid thigh and a purple and gold crop top.

I sigh and fix my hair. After that I walk out of the bathroom and pop a mint in my mouth. Not only was it illegal for a girl that's almost 16 to be drinking but my friends would kill me. I don't ever drink enough to get me tipsy or even buzzed. All it took was one time getting totally smashed and I knew I wasn't doing it again. Especially because I'm a  sporadic drunk. I'd go bungee jumping if you mention it.

I turn the corner and run right into someone. A pair of strong arms grab my shoulders.

"Well, well. I'd never have guessed."

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