Hell when I'm awake

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My eyes fly open to locate the sound of that damned beeping. I'm hooked up to a million machines. Which means, needles. I look down at my arms. I have three needles inserted into me and I almost pass out again.

How did I get to the hospital? I was home alone. By the amount of blood I lost and alcohol I had consumed someone would've had to come in after I had passed out within 10 minutes before I was too far gone. A nurse appears, it was a guy which took me by surprise. He looks about 25 years old with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. His coat said Thompson.

He doesn't seem to notice that I'm watching him as he checks my computers for things to say how I'm doing. He goes to the end of my bed and looks at my chart.

"Hi," I rasp out. The man jumps and looks up at me with wide eyes.

"You're up," he states with curiosity, "you've just been so deeply out every other time I'm in here it startled me." I smile halfheartedly.

"How did I get here?" I ask, now my voice has cleared up. The man looks surprised and he comes closer. He begins to check my vitals. I'm patient at first, he has to do his job. But it feels like an eternity before he finishes.

"You look really good for someone that had so much blood loss and alcohol poising." I groan and roll my eyes. I didn't want any of this damned small talk.

"Yeah. I'm a hell of a lot cuter when I'm healthy. How did I get here?" I snap. The nurse takes a step back and throws up his hands almost joking with me.

"Someone is feisty," he plays around. My eyes narrow, this guy is treating me like I'm 7. I can't stand that shit.

"Listen sweetheart. I'm not a little kid. Tell me how the fuck I got here. Someone had to bring me in and I want to know who," I shout. His eyebrows raise in surprise at the fact that I'm not some incompetent child. That I actually know how to form full sentences.

"I did Sam. Calm down," I turn my head to see the only person in the world I didn't want to see. The person that did this to me in the first place. Patric. With the person I hated second most. Kendyll. Seeing them together was hell whilst awake.

"Why are you here? Why is she here? If you were going to do this to me you should've let me be!" I shout at him. Patric slowly walks toward me almost afraid of me.

"Sam. I'm here because I care about you. That's why I followed you. She's here to apologize," Patric turns to Kendyll and ushers her forward.

"That's close enough bitch. You're lucky I don't get out of this bed," I snap before she can even take a step forward. Patric takes my hand in his in an attempt to calm me.

"Samantha I'm so sorry. My drunkenness is no excuse for the way I acted. I know how much Patric cares for you," she apologizes. I nod, not fully forgiving her but acknowledging her words. She turns around and disappears. I'm glad she left.

"You have a feisty one there. She can leave whenever she's ready," the nurse says before walking out of the door. Patric sits on the edge of my bed being wary of the tubes and stuff.

"Samantha. She told me she wanted to talk, and that's all it was. In fact we were talking about you. She asked me how I felt about you and then she just kissed me. Just as I was telling her how much I love you," he goes off apologizing.

"You, you love me?" I ask my voice just above a whisper. That was the first time he said those words. The first time he even hinted at it. Patric leans down and kisses my forehead.

"With all of my heart Sam. I'm so sorry that happened. I'll make damn sure it never happens again," he replies softly. I bring up one of my hands and wrap it around his neck. I pull him down to my level and kiss him softly. For some reason I believed him.

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